Mikan Tsumiki x Male reader

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(Y/N) = Your name 

You were riding your skateboard down a steep hill on the second island. you wanted to see if you could do a trick down it for some time now. you did a flip and landed it but as you were doing the other one the skateboard got caught on a rock and sent you flying. you tumbled down the hill several times until you reached the bottom, clenching your arm in pain. you laid there for a few seconds until you felt your skateboard lightly hit your thigh in the back. you sat up and noticed your nose was bleeding and your lip. you had a bunch of cuts going down your arms and legs and holes in your T shirt and shorts. you ran a hand through your hair and sighed with a slight smile. you haven't got this injured since you first got the board when you were little. you stood up and wobbled a little to gain your balance by putting some weight on the skateboard. 

you limped over to the main island where every one was, and as you were walking you noticed your eye was starting to be come black and blue. you walked over to the dining hall and went up the stairs. everyone's gaze went you  to in concern. but you didn't really care, you just went over to the table and grabbed three water bottles. one to drink and the others to wash out the cuts to prevent infection. everyone just stared and didn't ask if you were okay when you weren't. your arm hurt really bad and you were covered head to toe in a range of small to large cuts. then someone walked in and you could hear them gasp really loud and run over to you. "Are you okay,what happened, are you seriously hurt,what's wrong?!" she asked, the questions fired like a machine gun. you just shrugged at all of the questions. "can someone help me take him to the Hospital" Mikan asked as Gundham walked over and rested you on his shoulder. "yeah help the fat pig why don't you" you could hear Hiyoko say in the back. Gundham and Mikan carried you to the hospital but your vision started to blur a little bit as you walked. "you doing okay?" you heard Gundham ask. "ahh...little sleepy but I'm fine...just rub some dirt on it" you slurred as the opened the door to the main hall and carried you to your room. Mikan took off your shirt and looked at the damage on your upper half of your body. by now you couldn't see out of your left eyes from the bruising so you couldn't see Gundham as he sat down next to you. she started to clean your wounds with alcohol and wrapped you up with bandages all over your chest until you were fully covered. then she looked at you face and put some ice on your eye as she worked, she stopped the bleeding in your nose and on your lip. but she went back to your arm and noticed that it was bruising very rapidly. she then touched it and you winced in pain. she then took your arm and quickly put it back in to place, you yelled out in pain as she then rapped it up in a cast and put a sling on it. you laid back in the bed with sweat rolling down your forehead. "is he okay" you could hear Gundham ask. "he should be okay but he should get some rest and I'll give him some pain medicine when he wakes up" she said as she looked at you as you closed your eyes to get some rest.

The next thing you know, you wake up staring at a white ceiling with pain all over your body especially your arm. you looked down and saw Mikan a sleep next to you on the bed and Gundham a sleep in a chair next to the bed. you smiled as you kissed her head. you sat up which shot pain up threw your back. you looked over at the table and saw some pain killers and some water. you reached over and grabbed them. taking two and drinking the water fast to make them work faster. then you got up from the bed and put your shirt back on. you looked at your bandaged self in the mirror and sighed quietly. you pulled you broken arm threw the shirt hole and tried to stop your self from yelling out in pain again. then you hear a soft little yawn coming from the bed. you looked over and seen Mikan waking up and noticing you weren't there next to her. she looked over and saw you at the door. "what are you doing?, y-you could hurt your self even more if you leave" she said getting up and helping you back to the bed. "fine, but only for a few days, I gotta go back to the hill and go race down it again" you said as you sat back down and took your shirt off once more so the wounds would get some air. she laid back down on you as was tracing circles on your bandaged chest. "you k-know you'll just get injured again if you go down that hill right" she said as she looked at you. you just shrugged and smiled "yeah but it just gives you more reasons to help me out" you said which made her blush deep red. you were surprised that Gundham hadn't woken up yet because of you both. but you were glad he didn't. Mikan started to get sleepy on your chest. "fine I won't go up the hill again" you said as you rubbed her head as she fell asleep with a smile on her face. you then got tired once more since it was so early in morning. you started to get sleepy as you held her tight to your chest with your good arm. you then slowly fell asleep in the hospital with the girl that was taking care of you on your chest asleep. you then thought "best injuries ever"  as you fell a sleep.

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