Katio Momota x Reader (Rewrite)

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(Y/N) = Your name
(F/C) = Favorite color
(E/C) = Eye color
(N/N) = Nickname

(Rewrite 2020)

The cold breeze of the outside world sent chills down your back as goosebumps raised on your arms and legs. It was a regular night mostly, one where you would go out and take a calm walk in the park to get your mind off of things. It was a method you would say that calmed you down after a rough day. But nothing could distract you from your thoughts in your head that constantly occurred in your over thinking mind you have. Fog erupted from your lips as your breath showed, revealing how cold it seemed to be outside. You started to mutter cuss words underneath your breath as you rubbed your arms, forgetting to bring a jacket with you like a previous days before. Thinking it was going to be warmer out but truth be told it felt even more cold then the usual. You weren't really thinking when you decided to leave and come out here. You just couldn't mange to get some sleep and figured this would be the next best thing you could do. Ignoring checking the weather on your phone like you have done the past three times you have came out side like this at a later time.

The park wasn't that far away from where you live, making the trips there easier then were you had chosen to live before hand. You kept trying to warm your arms up as you walked, making it in side the fenced in area that relaxed you. You kept your gaze forward, the light of the street lamps giving you some light to see where you were heading. Other then the moon light from up above that shined down upon you as you walked. Yet as you kept your eyes forward and your mind in another place you heard the familiar voice of one of your closest friends you have ever made. Your close friend and crush was coming up behind you, could he have noticed you leaving the dorm and came after you. No body was up around this time that would notice you gone. Most likely the ones that really cared about school were still asleep at this time.

"Y/n?....is that you?" You heard him call from behind, you came to a stop on the path. Your brow knitted together in confusion, no body came to the park around this time of night. Your head slowly turned, locking eyes with the tall space obsessed soon to be astronaut standing behind you. The widest smirk was seen on his face as he held a telescope in his arms like it was nothing. A part of you was very confused as to what he was doing in the park at this time of night. But then again the man was obsessed with the moon and the stars. Making it pretty obvious why he was here anyway judging by what he was carrying. Now here was the real question, what was he going to say now about you being here all by yourself then. You have never met with him here or even seen him here for that matter. Maybe you just came at the wrong time always when he came, or he has never be there before.

"Y/n what are you doing out here in the cold at this time of night? It's kinda chilly don't you think, I can see my breath just standing here and you aren't even wearing a jacket" Katio asked, his expression changed to concern very quickly as he gazed at you hugging yourself tightly. He must have not seen you leave the dorms then, but you still had to answer him. You froze, what were you supposed to say to him? Be truthful or lie? You could never lie to him about anything though.

"Just out taking a walk....trying to clear my head since I couldn't really sleep tonight, I could ask you the same thing but I kind of already have an idea in mind of what you're up to at this time of night." You replied as you removed your hands from your arms, hearing his soft chuckle at your reply. Trying not to concern him any more then you have, but the look never subsided on his face as he stared at you. He glanced away quickly, his eyes returning back to you almost like he had an idea pop in to his head. His grasp was fixed on his telescope as he stood there. Showing you he was capable of carrying it no problem with no weakness involved.

"Well..... since you're out here at this time of night, would you like to company me and watch the stars tonight for a little bit. I could use a bit of a hand with my telescope any how....but I think it would be fun just the two of us" He asked, his bright personality showing as he smiled from ear to ear confidently. You always loved how he could make you so happy with just once look. His determined personality would always lift your spirits up. It always has ever since you met him in school, it was like you two clicked instantly with no problems included. You told yourself it was meant to be, but the overthinking side said you wouldn't stand a chance with him to be fair. You weren't really sure what went through his mind at times, being able to read him like a book in others. This was one of those times you weren't really sure to be honest. You glanced away to hide your blush even though he most likely couldn't see it in the dark as you stood. Did this count as a date or was this just him asking to hang out with you? You shifted your weight on to your left leg as you stood there. Your hands returned to your arms as the cold chills came back to you.

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