Ryoma Hoshi x Female reader

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(Y/N) = Your name

(L/N) = Last name

You walked the halls of the school trying not to get noticed by anyone since that was what you were good at. you walked into your classroom at Hopes Peak High school, everyone turned there heads and looked at you. a blonde girl came up from her desk "Hi, I'm Kaede" she said with a big smile "H-Hi i'm (Y/N)" you said which came out like a whisper "nice to meet you" she said sitting back down. you calmly walked over to a seat next to a short male who was wearing a cat like looking beanie and was chewing on a sucker stick. you had your head down the whole time until the teacher came in. you didn't want to socialize because you didn't want any friends because there was no point of making any to you. everyone at your old school called you garbage,slut,whore every word felt like a bullet that pierced you skin. You felt like you didn't deserve friends after those school years. the guy with the cat like looking beanie looked at you head to toe in his seat and smiled. "hey, My names Ryoma Hoshi but you can just call me Ryoma" he said with a warm smile. it was nice having sweet people in your class,maybe it was time for a change for you. "My names (Y/N),(L/N) but you can just call me (Y/N)" you said with a slight smile. you sat your head on your fore arms and yawned, "you tired" he asked raising an eyebrow, "yeah didn't get much sleep last night" you said. "take a nap, i'll tell you when the teacher comes in" he said as you looked at him. "thank you" you said closing your eyes to take a nap on your desk. Ryoma looked at you and blushed a bit as he thought "damn she is cute when she is sleeping not to mention when she is awake". after a few minutes Ryoma started to shake you softly "hey the teacher just walked in" he said whispered in your ear. you opened your eyes and smiled at him as you sat up in your chair and yawned. the teacher began to explain things about the school and what we would be doing and you knew that from that point forward that it would be a ruff school year for you.

A few months later you walked into the classroom and people greeted you like every morning. you sat next to Ryoma and talked to him. "Hey would you l-like to go to the new Movie theater after school, i heard they have good movies that are playing there" Ryoma said looking away from you to hide the blush on his face. "sure why not" you said also hiding your blush as well. you knew that he would probably pick an action movie at the movie theater but you really didn't care what he chose. the teacher came in and told us some new stuff that nobody well at least you didn't want to here. you just sat in your seat thinking about what you and Ryoma where going to go see at the movies together. you had a small crush on him but you already told yourself that he wouldn't like you back so there was no point of liking him, but every time you were around him you felt butterflies in your stomach. but for half of the class you just zoned out and didn't pay attention.

after school you raced to the front of the school building and met Ryoma there waiting for you at the front gates. you walked up yo him and smiled. "do you even know where this place is?" you asked as you both walked down the street together. "yeah my friend told me where it was and gave me directions as well" he answered looking at his phone as he stuck a cigarette in his mouth and started to smoke it. you walked down to the movies which felt like forever to you and walked in. it was nice and had a lot of movie choices, Ryoma had you pick but you just picked a random action movie that you saw. he paid for the tickets and you both sat down together to watch. he looked over at you and saw that you were really paying attention to the movie which made him smirk. "for someone who is shy and doesn't make friends easy you like action packed movies...wow" he thought as he focused back on the movie that was playing. in the middle of the movie Ryoma held your hand, you were blushing but you let him hold it for the whole time. after the movie was done you looked at him "That movie was awesome right" you said with a big smile on your face. "yeah it was pretty good" he replied. you noticed that when you walked out he didn't let go of your hand as you walked down the street. as you walked to your apartment building you kept on telling him how good the special affects were and how there should be a second one, and he just smiled and rolled his eyes since that was all you talked about. you both walked up to the 3rd floor of your apartment building and you unlocked your door to your apartment. "I had a really fun time Ryoma thanks for taking me" you said with a smiled as you ran your hand through your hair blushing. he walked over to you and stood on his tippy toes since he was smaller than you and placed a hand on your cheek. "I did too" he said kissing you, you were surprised when he did but you melted in to the kiss. You both pulled back for air, "we should do it again sometime" you said giving him a quick kiss on the check "yeah we should, i'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)" he said smiling at you before you shut your door. you put your back against the door and slid down it sighing as you thought about how your day went. but you mostly thought about you and Ryoma after what happened that day. 

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