Kyoko Kirigiri x Male Reader

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(Y/N) = Your name

(L/N) = Last name

(U/T) = Ultimate talent

You were scared but you didn't want to show it, Maizono had been killed. and soon there was going to be a trial. you went on your own gathering evidence around the places that seemed suspicious, you didn't really work well with a lot of people so you went on your own. you found a note in her room stating that she needed to discuss something with someone and to find the right nameplate on the door, you also found some numbers behind Maizono's body. you stared at them wondering what they were,but you felt like you knew what they meant. "how much evidence have you found" you jumped when you heard someone say that behind you. you turned around and stood up, being taller than the girl you had to look down at her. "yeah I found this note and the righting on the wall, it looks like it's in some type of message or code, i might be able to talk to Chihiro about that" You said giving her the note to look at. "that sounds like a good idea" she said giving the note back, you told her a little bit more evidence that you found and she was impressed at you. You both talked about her evidence for a while "we could work together during the trial since you have a lot of evidence against the culprit " she said. "okay then, um we haven't really introduced our self's  have we" you said rubbing the back of your neck. "I'm Kyoko, Kirigiri and i don't really remember my talent" she said holding out her hand. "I'm (Y/N), (L/N) and i'm the (U/T)" you say shaking her hand firmly. The intercom went off and told us to go to the trial room, "were working together right" You say to her as you walked down the hall "yes, if you don't betray me" she said as you got in the elevator where everyone was waiting for you both.

You and Kirigiri worked well together during the trail, she through evidence and you backed her up and she did the same with you, it went well. all of the evidence that everyone gathered pointed to Leon. since your stand was by him he grabbed your collar and screamed at you "It was self defense, I didn't do it " he kept on saying over and over again. But you still killed her,so you are the murderer ".Kirigiri asks if he has anything to defend himself with. Leon begins to chant "Idiot" over and over again to himself. You called out everything that happened once more but in order of how the murder happened. Leon stood there in silence as Kirigiri smiled at you. Monokuma announced that it's time to vote on the culprit.Leon has been voted as guilty. Monokuma happily confirms that the person who killed Maizono was Leon. Leon shakily admits it. Everyone is horrified at the revelation.  "why would do something like that" Mondo demanded griping his stand to try not to go over there and punch him. Leon slowly replies"...Then what else should I have done? I was about to be killed myself! That's why I had no choice but to kill her".He breaks down and sinks to the floor, crying. Monokuma exclaims that because they successfully caught the culprit.Leon screams and beats the walls with his fists, yelling for someone to get him out of there. Monokuma announces a special punishment had been made for Leon. and with that the execution started for Leon. you just stared in horror as he got beat with baseballs over and over again. Kirigiri looked at you and placed a hand on your shoulder, it calmed you down but you still felt at unease. You couldn't even look away, you probably looked terrified after seeing two of your friends dead that day.

Later that night the images of your two friends flashed in your head. and the fact that Maizono was trying to frame you had you confused "Why would she do that to me? ". you just laid on your bed staring at the ceiling. someone knocked on your door, you told them to come in. Kirigiri came in and sat next to you on your bed. She looked at you"Surely, it is without a doubt Sayaka Maizono tried to lead you into a trap, that is the inevitable truth. However, what was she thinking before she died?... Even though we can't ask her, we can reason. It's likely that the very last thing she thought about was what she could do in order to save you. If she didn't care about the consequences you would have to face, she would not have left that message. I believe that she hesitated in tricking you and trying to kill someone. Her hesitation is what caused this outcome, unfortunately." she said putting her gloved hand on yours, "Why are you telling me this Kirigiri?" you asked her. she looked at you "You are definitely someone who can go beyond, someone who can go beyond their friend's death and move forward. If you weren't that type of person, you wouldn't have been able to overcome this horrific situation." she said looking down you just smiled at her. "I don't want there deaths to hold you back, I see potential in you and I don't want you to give up". you blushed as you looked at her "thanks for caring Kirigiri, you don't seem like you care but you really do and I like that about you" she smiled as a little blush appeared on her face. she stood up "I guess I'll see you in the lunch room tomorrow for breakfast then" She said and went out of the room to leave you you were alone once more,staring at your ceiling,thinking about what happened that day and what will happen next in the highschool killing game that Monokuma forced you to play against each other.

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