Junko Enoshima x Female reader

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                                          Requested By : bizzybella123

(Y/N) = Your name

You were down in the trial room, as everyone was talking about the evidence of what led to the death of Togami. you sat there with sweat rolling down your face. you tried to stay calm so you didn't look suspicious when you stood there. Makoto was going over some of the evidence as he looked at Kirigiri. she looked at you for a second then back at Makoto. "Let's go over the evidence shall we" Makoto said. "last night at the announcement the killer walked over to the library since they knew someone would be there. earlier they had placed there weapon in the room for preparations. they walked in and saw there victim sitting in a chair with a light shinning on him. the killer went around the corner and grabbed there weapon a knife from the kitchen under the table which was taped there, that's one of the mistakes that the killer made when the duck tape was left on the floor and some still in the spot where the weapon was. they crept around the corner as quiet as they could so it wouldn't alarm the victim. they went from behind and took the knife and stabbed them through the neck. blood spilled everywhere even on the books which is another mistake that the killer made when they were hiding the evidence. one of the books on the table had some blood still on it when it was closed. the killer dragged the body over to the closet and went back to clean up the seen, after words they thought they locked the closet and went to dispose of the weapon, but little bit they know there was a little bit of blood on the ground from dragging the body and on the door handle from the wound. the killer disposed of the weapon and of there clothes to get rid of the blood. so they walked on to there room like they would get away with it but they didn't. isn't that right (Y/N)?" Makoto said pointing at you. you bit your lip as sweat trickled down your cheek. head had your head hung low. you felt ashamed of what you did, "Is it true (Y/N)?!" Aoi said with tears going down her face. you slowly nodded. "I messed up guys, i'm so sorry...." you said letting a few tears go down your face as everyone looked at you. Aoi came over a hugged you and cried in your shoulder "But we were supposed to eat doughnuts together" she said crying.you patted her back and said "everything is fine Aoi, I know your strong and that you can make it out of this, promise me you will" you said as you held her tight. "p-promise" she said trying to calm herself down. "Ok then let's get the punishment started shall we" Monokuma said getting out his hammer and hitting the button and your figure went up on the screen being carried away by him. and just like that the mental claw grabbed you and dragged you away from them.

everything was black but suddenly some lights turned on. You were the ultimate Game Developer, suddenly your vision clears and you stood on a pixelated platform. all you could see was blue on the walls. but in front of you there were several different platforms that seemed like they didn't go any where. suddenly that platform you were standing on vanished and you jumped to the next one scared. you did this several times until well there was no more left to jump on. you looked below the platform and saw pitch black. you swallowed the spit in your mouth as the platform gave out from under neath  you and you fell. then everything seemed like it stopped and you saw Monokuma with the game control in his hand as on the screen said Game Over in big letters. then everything went pitch black.

You slowly opened your eyes, your head throbbed as you tried to sit up only making things worse. you looked around at the unfamiliar area then your gaze stopped as you saw a female sitting next to you with blonde hair. she had a big smile as she looked at you "good your awake I thought you would never wake up" she said as she sat on the bed with you. "I thought you were dead I-I saw you" you said scared "No that was my sister acting as me" she said. she explained everything that happened to you and before the killing game started. you didn't know how to feel scared, sick,sad or confused at why you were here. "I'm just glad you were okay" Junko said putting a hand on your cheek making you blush. you just looked at her for a second "do you have a pain killers i could use" you asked as she nodded to go get some. you sat up all the way and looked at everything around you to see if you knew anything. she came back and gave you pain killers you took them and looked at her "so you saved me?" you asked. "yes I did" Junko answered as she looked at the cameras at her desk. "why?" you asked resting your head on your hand. "B-Because I like you" she replied blushing a lot. she leaned in and kissed you deeply. she pulled back "I've seen something in you ever since day 1" she said brushing a piece of her out of your eyes gently.You kissed her softly on the lips "well I do to" you said hugging. "So what do we do up here?" you asked standing up. "Well I monitor the cameras to watch the students and what they do half of the time. "oh okay can you show me more" you asked as she started to show you around the place and told you what to do about certain areas and what to do if the class does something. you were glad you could live that rest of your life her.

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