Toko Fukawa x Male reader

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(Y/N) = Your name

you couldn't help but stare at the girl with long braids followed that asshole Togami. he didn't even like her, he thought that she was a pest, a moron a dumb ass and other things. but you, you actually liked her, you thought she was cute when she was flustered, and thought it was cool that she had multiple personality's, and he didn't.  You just didn't understand her for following him around. you then looked back down at your book and started to read the next chapter before the bell rang. but you then looked up and saw that she was right there sitting beside you. you looked at her and smiled. but she turned her now blood red face away from you in embarrassment. you noticed out of the corner of your eye that she kept on looking at you, and every time you looked at her she looked away. you just sat there, confused of what she was doing. then the teacher walked in and started to teach the lesson.

after the class was over the teacher pulled you a side "um I would like you to tutor Fukawa, she has been failing in this class even more then ever." you than looked over to see her blushing in her seat. "okay then I'm fine with that" you said as you walked over to her with a small smile. "meet outside the front after school and bring what ever notes you have about this subject" you said as you walked out the door. she followed right behind you. "so where would we go after school?" she asked running a hand through her her. you tried to think of a good spot and then one came up "how about the park there is a nice spot out by the big tree" you said as you walked into the door of your next class with her. "sounds nice" she said with a little laugh which made you smile. but when you looked around the room your eyes landed on Togami, he gave you a full blown death glare. you didn't understand him, he acts like Fukawa is his property and that nobody can have her until the day that he dies. you just rolled your eyes at him as you walked towards your desk in the back. you just stared and glared daggers at him if he looked back at you. "was this jealousy from the stuck up Togami, it's the end of the world oh no" you thought as you smirked when he turned his head back to pay attention to the teacher. you were basically laughing out loud in your head as you thought more. then than passed Leon a note, he opened it and smirked. it said to throw a piece of paper at the back  of Togami's head. he crumbled it up and with his great aim he threw it and hit him right dead center of the back of his head. you fist bumped Leon  as Togami turned his head, he was pissed and you could tell by the look on his face. you just wanted to laugh so hard but you couldn't disrupt class.

It was the end of the school day and you were walking out the front gate with your back pack resting on your shoulder. you saw Fukawa standing by the gate with her hair blowing in the breeze. she saw you and smiled and waved her hand for you to come over. you walked over to her "hey, you ready to go to the park" you said as you started to walk down the street towards the park. "I saw what you did to Togami...." she trailed off. you frowned and looked off to the side. Then she started to laugh "It was really funny" she said with a laugh. the not in your throat went away from her laughing then you let out a chuckle. after a while you made it to the park. you both climbed up the hill to the spot you said would be good to study. you both sat underneath the big tree and brought out your notes. you started to go over the first chapter and than the next and she paid attention to every detail since you quizzed her after every chapter. and you didn't even notice that she laid her head on your shoulder as you read the paper to her. sh started to go to sleep at the last chapter. you put both of your notes away and picked both of your back packs up and put them on your forearms. then you picked her up and placed her on your back and carried her down the hill. she opened her eyes in a droopy state, "where are we going?" she asked as you walked down the street. "we are going to my house because you fell asleep while we studied" you said as she laid her head back down on your back after a few minutes you made it to your apartment. you unlocked the door and walked inside. you then laid Fukawa on your couch, you could hear the soft snores as she slept which made you smile. then you put both of your bags down by the door since you had school tomorrow. you looked back at Fukawa and saw that she was fast asleep on your couch. you went back to your room and slipped your shoes off and sat on your bed. you then laid down and played on your phone for a bit before going to bed. 

The next morning you woke up to the sound of your alarm. you lazily threw a hand over to turn it off. you stood up and slipped a shirt on and a hoodie that was on the floor next to your bed. you walked out of your room to see that Fukawa let a note. it said that she was sorry for falling asleep during the studying  time and that she left early for school. you smiled as you put on your shoes, grabbed a pop tart out of the cabinet and slipped on your back pack. you walked to school eating your pop tart in your hand. as you climbed the stairs and stepped in to your class room. you noticed that Fukawa was sitting closer to the back with you. you smiled as you sat down knowing that Togami was jealous of you. after that you knew that it was going to be a tough day being around Togami as you were around Fukawa more. 

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