Hiyoko Saionji x Male reader

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(Y/N) = Your name 

You walked over to dining hall early in the morning for breakfast. You didn't really like the fact that everyone met up in the morning, it just makes everyone vulnerable of getting hurt.  you walked over to the front entrance and seen the short blonde girl walking over to the doors as well. "move out of the way pig barf" she said sticking her tongue out at you. "move dip shit" you said as you walked in font of her and walked inside the building. she walked behind you with her arms crossed and a pissed off face as she looked at you. but when you looked at her you seen more in her eyes like a little bit of happiness instead of hate when she looked at you. you didn't know why but you could see that in her eyes. you wanted to know more about her, and why she acted like that in front of everyone. you walked up the stairs up to the dining hall and saw everyone there looking filled with despair. you just rolled your eyes as you walked over to the table and grabbed an apple to eat since you didn't really want to stick around everyone. 

you walked back out side taking little bites out of your apple as you walked down the sandy beach side. the waves calmly shook in the ocean. the breeze made the leaves on the trees shake. it was a beautiful day but you felt like something was missing, like something was wrong but you couldn't put your finger on it. you then heard someone in the sand behind you. you turned your head not knowing who it was but you saw the orange and thought Hiyoko. she sat right by you and sighed. "what's up, something wrong" you asked. She didn't answer you "stubborn" you said underneath your breath. she just rolled her eyes at you as you watched the waves in front of you. "well if there is nothing wrong then why are you here sitting next to me huh" you said with a smirk, you know you have her cornered now. "I um" she said as you got up to show that she had limited time to answer. "wait um" "Yes?" You said turning towards her. "I came here because you are a second closest friend here on the island and Mahiru is with that Hajime, so I came here to hang out with you" she said rubbing the back of her neck blushing as she looked up at you since you were standing up in front of her. "well okay then" you said sitting back down but a bit closer to her. you both watched the waves, but you ran her words through your mind over and over. she actually thought of you as a friend?from how bad she treated you, that was just her being nice. 

you talked about a few things after that for a while. "what would you do if I was killed Hiyoko?" you asked thinking about your death. "I...I would find the killer who killed you yo avenge your death" she said looking away from you. it was getting late and you both watched as the sun started to go down, it reflected off the water and looked pretty to you. you stood up and helped her up as well. you stared in to her eyes "why are you staring at me" she asked as she started to walk away from you. you then brought out a note that you had wrote a while ago it said. "Dear Hiyoko, I know if your reading this, I'm either dead or I just don't have the balls to tell you this but I love you, I always have. and I know you probably don't like me back but at least I tried you know. from (Y/N), P.S if I am dead tell every one especially Peko and Fuyuhiko to stay filled with hope and to never give up about getting out of the island alive" . you sighed and put the note back in your pocket and walked back to the cottages. 

as you walked you kicked up sand every time you picked up your foot to walk. suddenly you felt someone put a cloth around your mouth. you struggled and broke free from there grasp since you were almost taller and bigger than every one at the island. you turned around and saw who you didn't expect. right there standing in front of you was Mikan. "looks like Hiyoko was right for hating you" you said as she then brought out a big 7 inch knife and stabbed you in the stomach. you covered your stomach in pain. as you tried to run away she grabbed your foot and dragged you away from the cottages. you had blood coming out of your mouth. "what?!" you could here someone say behind you both. you turned your head and saw Ibuki there. she than ran towards the cottages but Mikan didn't chase after her. she just took out the knife from your stomach and lifted it up again to strike. but suddenly a bamboo sword came and stopped her from doing so. it was Peko and Fuyuhiko two of your good friends. a dew other came. Peko knocked Mikan out and tied her up. everyone help you to the hospital but since the ultimate nurse tried to kill you, you had to improvise. you were bleeding so much on the bed sheets, she must have cut a organ or an artery to make you bleed so much. you heard the door unlock and some one come in sobbing. "oh (Y/N), I'm sorry. don't die please!" Hiyoko cried as she hung on to you. your eyes became heavy and the heart monitor was slowing down. you grabbed the note out of your pocket and handed it to her with a smile,tears streaming down both of your faces. "don't open it now *cough* open it..later" you said still holding on to your stomach. you were losing your vision, she kissed your fore head "I love you" you said to Hiyoko as everything went black.   

Hiyoko clung on to the bloody bed sheets. tear stains on the bed from everyone crying. she was most miserable, to see you dead on the bed just made her want to kill herself. she brought out the note and red it. she blushed as she held the note close to her chest. imagining that you were there with her. "stay filled with hope" she said as she stuck the note in her pocket. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted that pig barf of a slut" Hiyoko said as she walked out of your room to gather any evidence for the trial against your death even though everyone knew that Mikan was the killer any way. 

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