chapter 34

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" At least you can tolerate some of my friends. " I commented. " Yeah. " Em replied. " H do you love me today? " Graser asked, I look down at em and she had a confused facial. " Its something Graser does because some days we like him but some we don't. " Bayani explained to her. " oh ok makes sense. " " Yes Graser I love you today but not as much as I love Em. " I said the kissed the top of her head. " Aww H is in love! " Graser and Bayani said. " And you say my friends are weird. " Em said. " They are, have you talked or watched one of there videos lately? " " Yes, and they are perfectly normal to me, tank you very much. " She said ( Sorta like bajancanadian ) and graser and Bayani started laughing at her. " Ok now I really wanna record with you! " They both said, I spotted the guys and walked up to them with Graser and Bayani not to far behind still laughing there ass off. " Hey guys! " I yell. " Hey! " They yell back and Sean, Julio, and Brayden walk up to us and start talking to Em. " Weirdos. " I mutter while I talk to Devon. " Says the guy who still has two friends laughing about something I said half hour ago. " Em replied, dam I always forget how she has bat like hearing. It is about a hour later and we all haven't eaten yet so we decide to go get pizza, typical if you have the robot with you. Everyone grabs a slice besides Em. " You not hungry? " I ask. " No not really and I'm not that big of a pizza person. " She reply's. " Ok do you want me to get you something different? " "No I'm good ill eat later. " " Ok. " " Last piece who wants it?" graser asks. " Let Em have it. " Parker said. " No I'm good Im not that big of a Pizza person. " " She said. " What! " Everyone but me, Julio, brayden, and grape yelled. '' She also had something earlier to so.... " I said. " Oh ok. " Graser said taking the last piece and eating it. After we were done we decided to just walk around for a few more hours before leaving to go do something else. After about 30 minuets after lunch we saw signings for the Power moves only crew and graser wanted there autograph. " You know I could just introduce you to them. " Em said as we walk over there. " Yeah but what is the fun in that? " Graser asked and smiled. " I guess. " She said. We waited by the exit for him to come out. When Graser come out Em went up to him and looked at who signed. " Who signed? " Em asked. " Bajancanadian, JeromeASF, and xrmpx13. " graser said looking confused. " Wait xrmpx13 singed it? " " Yeah. " " RYAN!!!!! " She yelled and ran over to the rope that separates the signing and fans.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

   I hope you all enjoyed chapter 34! 35 will be out tomorrow and maybe chapter 36 because I'll have extra time to write! Don't forget to leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed and i will see you all in the next chapter BEYYY!!!!!!!


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