I finally got there

I quickly got to the room

I ran in and no one was there

I heard screams outside

"Looks like your out for a attack hehehe"soraa said

"Don't rub it in my face I even woke up early soraa color wing rise"I said transforming

I jumped out the window and saw hostages

"Great"I said grabbing the handle of my sword and pressed a button and the blade came out

This thing was scary

It attached strings to people and they turned to living puppets that hey could control

I realized the blade wouldn't help that much

I thru it up in the air and it got stuck to the side of a building

I stood still as two that where alya and marinete ran at me

"I'm sorry"alya said closing her eyes

I ran between them pulled the string

The blade flew down and cut there strings making them fall and go back to normal

"You two get out of here"I said

"You will make a wonderful additional my collection you flying pest"the girl said

"Yeah I don't appreciate being called a pest"I said as she launches strings at me as I dodged them

I realized this girl couldn't attack people that well hat are extremely happy so I put on my head phones and listened to attack on titan songs(I do not own any songs mentioned in this book)

"Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!"I yelled

Her things missed

But dan fatherly we're close

I hummed the theme song under my breath

"Stop that stupid singing!"she yelled covering her ears

"It's good music Shikabane fumikoete susumu ishi wo warau buta yo Kachiku no annei ...kyogi no han'ei ...shiseru garou "Jiyuu" wo!"I said louder

I ran and broke the thingy

A butterfly flew out and lady girl broke it

"Sooo do you guys just sit around waiting for me to beat the thing or do you actually do something"I asked

I noticed some funk was covering the school

All the students were inside

I ran and jumped in along with the two lazy people

I ran to the class to find a bunch of students freaking out

"Is everyone okay?"I asked

"No some of us got taken by some thing it took alya"nino said
"Okay you two losers you watch over them I'll go find this girl"I said to the other hero's

"Where not losers"lady girl said

"Sure spotty and I'm not a coffe loving British child now go along"I said

"Don't talk to her li-"cat boy said as I punched him into a wall
"You sicken me"I said taking out my sword

"Wait what are you doing with the sword"nino said

"Oh don't worry I'm just guessing what every the stuff on the ceiling is is part of the thing those people are stuck in"I said

"Everyone no matter what stay calm fear causes panic panic causes chaos so everyone stay calm everyone will be okay if the thing approaches you do not scream in fear but throw this at it and run"I said handing them all three wig smoke like bombs it wouldn't harm any students but it would give them time to run

"Only use one at a time everyone has to go with one of the other hero's never go off alone"I said

I started to walk

"Wait can I come with you"julica said

"Uh sure I don't see a problem with it"I said

We walked out

"Hey what's your name"I asked walking down

"Oh I'm julica who are you"she asked

"Oh I'm humming bird"I said

"wow cool"she said

We started to follow the goo thing

God it was gross

Then I thought

This thing is going after small groups of people
First so all me and julica had to
Was wait

"Julica are you fine with waiting for it to come to us I don't want you to feel like bait"I said

"Why"she asked

"So this thing is coming after people right and it's big so if we just wait it should come since we are a smaller group"I said

"Yeah sure but maybe we should try to find witch room alya is in"she said

"Yes of course"I said as we walking into this dark room

"So cool"she said

I knocked down the door and we saw a egg like thing

"Hello is anyone here"julica said

"Yeah it's me alya go get help please"alya said

"Okay please be quiet I need to do this right so I don't cut off any of her limbs"I said

I took the blade and cut as fast as I could making sure there wasn't any traps

She fell out

"You two go ahead and run to the class"I said
The thing jumped down and the goo stuff knocked me into the wall in the main part of the building

"Ow"I said coldy

I got up ready to fight

"Uhhh were are those two Wait oh yeah

I called them losers and made them watch the kids"I said

It shot goo at me

God it was gross

I ran as fast as I could breaking the alums thingy

Ladybug caught it and de evilized the thing or


"Oh god that was so bloody gross"i said so happy that the funk was gone

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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(A miraculous ladybug fan story thingy) the humminng birdWhere stories live. Discover now