Chapter 7

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Gideon's POV

Gideon was pretty drunk thanks to Nick and his amazing drink. Just he was still super nervous about dancing with Nick but he was being so nice. But he couldn't tell if Nick was really flirting or just messing around but in any case, Gideon was having fun. He took Nick's paw and stood up they walked to the middle of the living room, Nick grabbed Gideon's other paw and started moving their arms back and forth. Nick started to sway and Gideon followed but not as enthusiastic. Nick started swaying with Gideon and moving, the both of them started to dance more and more. Gideon tripped over Nick a few times but I just made the both of them laugh. A few songs later Gideon wasn't as shy as he was a first, but he still wasn't any good at not tripping Nick or himself.

"See you're getting the hang of it!" Nick laughed.

"Really ya thinks so? But ah still keep tripping over everything."

Nick laughed and took Gideon's paw again and started dancing with him Gideon was focusing on not tripping Nick again but then Nick put his other paw on his waist and when he looked up at Nick he tripped over him and they stumbled onto the couch. Gideon was on top of him and he felt his face heat up "A-ah'm so sorry Nick."

Nick just laughed "It's ok, I just didn't think you'd be the one to make the first move on me. And might I add very smoothly planned, falling on top of me." He smiled

Oh crap, he thinks I'm hitting on him but I didn't even mean to trip! "No it's not like that ah just tripped that's all!" His face was the reddest it's been all night. He started to get up but then Nick grabbed his shirt, "Well then I'll make the first move." Nick leaned forward and kissed Gideon on the cheek and let go of his shirt. Gideon sat up and looked away from Nick. Nick just kissed my cheek what do I do should I do something?! Is he just drunk?! Gideon started to fidget with his fingers "A-a-ah, are ya joking?" He looked back at Nick. 
He smiled "No not at all I think you're really sweet, and you're very charming."

Gideon blushed at the compliments, "Well to tell ya the truth ah thought ya were pretty handsome yourself. So is this l-like a first date?"

Nick chuckled "Not really I could do better. But you could technically call this a date." Nick put his paw on Gideon's he leaned toward Gideon who's face heated up and blushed for the millionth time tonight, he would have been a lot more nervous but thanks to all the drinks Nick kept making they took some of the edge off. Their noses almost touching, Gideon closed his eyes and they kissed Nick put his paw on Gideon's cheek which made him lean toward Nick and put his paw on Nick's chest.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door. They pulled apart with a jump, Nick got up "Its probably Judy guess we kinda lost track of time." He smiled at Gideon who shyly smiled back. Wow that was, I can't believe we just, how drunk am I? Gideon touched his lips he blushed as he played what just happened over again in his head.

Nick opened the door and welcomed Judy in, "Well look who's finally here!" Judy walked in and looked the counter with all the drinks on it.
"Did you guys seriously get drunk before we went to the bar?!" Judy turned and looked at Nick who raised his paws up "Hey I wasn't alone on this Gideon also agreed that we should do some pre drinking." He looked at Gideon with a grin.

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