Chapter 9

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Gideon's POV

The moment they stepped into the bar Gideon's jaw dropped.

This place is incredible!

Gideon looked around there were booths with curtains on the walls that were lit with blue and purple lights. There was a huge dance floor further back in the bar with lights and a D.J. Booth. And the amount of mammals here was crazy, it was the coolest place he'd ever been to. He followed Nick and Judy to a booth and they ordered drinks.

"So Gid your going to open a bakery here in Zootopia, how are you going to do that?" Judy asked.

Gideon sighed he was excited but also every nervous about the bakery. "Well tomorrow ah go and meet with the realtor lady and she had some papers for me to sign. Then ah have an appointment at the bank to get a loan to speed up the start of my new bakery. Ah'm actually kinda nervous about that part." He admitted.

"Oh don't worry Gideon you can do it no problem!" Judy tried to reassure him.

"Yeah Gid you won't have to worry make a pie for the guy you have to talk to and I'm sure that'll make up their mind." Nick said with a smile.

There's that amazingly handsome smile.

"Wait if you have a meeting tomorrow should you not be drinking the night before?" Judy asked.

Gideon laughed "Don't worry Judy this isn't my first time drinking."

After a little while of talking a wolf walked up to their table and asked Judy to dance. Which left him and Nick together.

Nick smiled at Gideon "So about earlier?" he asked.

Gideon felt his face heat up, "Y-yeah what about it?" He looked away from Nick for a second but then looked back again.

"Well how was it? And you know, would you want to do it again sometime?" Nick raised his eyebrow up and down.

The question made Gideon even redder, he looked away again and scratched the back of his neck. "Well a-ah guess ah kinda liked it." He said with a shy smile.

Kinda is an understatement ah don't know how far ah might have gone if Judy hadn't gotten there when she did.

"And ah mean ah don't know if ah'd be any good at it. A-ah haven't really kissed anyone for a long time."

"Well you certainly were off to a good start," Nick said.

"Well thanks." Gideon's face heated once again and smiled at Nick.

"So about the first date would you count this whole day as one?"

So he had been flirting with me this whole day. Ah wonder if he wants something serious or maybe he's just having fun. Ah might be ok with ether one.

"Ah think the whole day counts, ah had a lot of fun today with ya." Gideon smiled at him.

Nick looked at him and smiled back and moved closer to him and put his paw on Gideon's. Gideon looked down and blushed and looked away slight and moved a bit closer to him.

Well ah don't think someone who wants to just fool around would be into the cute cuddly stuff.

He turned his hand over and their fingers laced together. Then Nick leaned close to Gideon and kissed his cheek which caused him to blush even more than he already was. But then they where interrupted by a drunk sheep who walked by and she must have noticed them because she squealed and said how cute they were together to her friend.

Which made Gideon almost die of embarrassment, he couldn't believe only a little over a day and he had already fallen hard for Nick.

He just so handsome, and confident he has been nothing but calm and relaxed the entire day we've spent together.

Just then Judy sat back down at their table with the wolf from earlier.

"Hey guys I'm back, this is Bentley." Judy introduces her new dance partner to them.

Gideon and Nick quickly let go of each other's paws and moved away from each other.

Bentley smiled at them, "Hey no it's cool guys trust me I don't mind. My roommate he's got a boyfriend and they hang out all the time at our place."

Judy suddenly looked confused, "Wait what? Boyfriend what are you taking about Nick doesn't date and Gideon well I don't want to be rude but I don't think he'd...?" She looked at them both and saw how red Gideon was.

Gideon blushed and scratched the back of his neck and looked away and started fidgeting with his fingers. "W-well actually Judy, a-a-ah'm not much of a ladies mammal. A-a-ah more attracted to male mammals actually." The more he said the hotter his face got.

"Oh well, I know Nick and he's told me himself that he doesn't really do the whole dating thing." Judy said.

Wait is that true, then has he been just messing around this whole time?

Gideon felt a small pain in his chest and glanced over at Nick who looked a bit nervous himself. He was looking back and forth from him and Judy but didn't say anything.

Gideon started to panic, Was ah really that stupid to think that he liked me the same way. He's probably just bored and just wanted to mess around. I can't believe I'm that stupid.

He couldn't be here Gideon hadn't had a panic attack in almost a year now but this. All the animal, the music, the noise Gideon stood up and looked around he couldn't remember which way the exit was he turned and saw it and tried to just focus on getting out of the bar. He's breathing was all over the place he faintly heard his name but he just wanted to leave, he pushed past mammals this he finally made it to the door.

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