Tw: Anorexia Anorexic!Castiel/Military!Dean

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Castiel slowly brought his knees up to his chest as he laid under the blanket of his hospital bed. He was extremely skinny and pale as he let a frown add to the miserable features of him. Today was important and he couldn't be there. Today was the day Dean was coming back home. Yet here he was stuck in the god damn hospital, Sam and his brothers practically dragged him after he passed out in the middle of the kitchen of an apartment that wasn't his own as he had been staying at Gabriel and Sam's apartment. It all started when his boyfriend had gotten captured. It was war, he should have been calm as this happened pretty often. Yet he couldn't help but succumb to the feeling he got when he realized he couldn't do anything to help. After all, he was simply an artist for a living. Merely drawing pictures of war rather than experiencing it himself. It got to the point where he started refusing to take care of himself while Dean was out there. Possibly dead. Now that idea had landed him in this fucking hospital. They wanted to feed him, yet that just wouldn't work. He refused and refused. He continued to refuse but the more he refused the more the doctors were starting to discuss moving him to a more secure location. Yes, he knew Dean was safe yet he felt too far gone, he simply couldn't eat. He had tried once and it ended horribly, he couldn't keep it down so he decided it would be best if he just didn't. Sam was one of the only people there to welcome Dean home, most likely going to give him the grim news after everything cleared up. He was like that, always waiting for the other to be happy before delivering bad news. Sam fought to get Cas released when Deans return was set yet that quickly diminished when the doctors explained everything to him. Now he was in a hospital bed. His phone was by his bed, if Dean had his phone with him he would be calling him this very instant. Who was he kidding, it was hard to even pick up the phone. So Castiel simply let himself lay down in order to sleep, the two brothers would come to him if they needed him for anything. It took awhile but he finally managed to fall asleep. (3rd person, literate.)

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