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(Every other chapter will change pov from Brooke to Phoebe.)


I locked my door, grabbing my phone from my pocket. I decided to text my friend, but just like always, she was too busy to message me back. I lie down on my bed that's covered in soft blankets. 

I wonder if Brooke is at the beach, I mean she probably isn't but she's the only person who doesn't hate me. I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and went outside. "Where are you going, Phoebe?" I heard Mom yell. "The beach." 

I didn't hear her say anything, so I ran out the front door before she could catch me. I walked to the beach. It wasn't far away. It was a five-minute walk. When I arrived, I walked to the place I always go. The one place no one would bother me at. I took a deep breath of the sea air. It relaxed me. The sun was setting and I stared at the pink and orange sky. I wrapped my arms around my knees. 

I'm pretty sure I either passed out or fell asleep. I woke up to a familiar voice calling out my name. "-Phoebe!" I heard a girl say. 

I looked up. It was Brooke. "Oh hey!" I smiled. She wore the same bathing suit she wore last time we had met. "Is that the only bathing suit you have?" I asked.


"Do you want another one? We can go shopping or something." I offered. I didn't know if I even had enough money to, but I just didn't want to go home soon and I needed an excuse.  I looked at Brooke and her messy light brown hair. Last time I saw her, she seemed sad. I looked at her deep blue eyes. I was jealous of her for some reason. She was so pretty compared to me.  The only thing interesting about my looks is my bright blue hair. She looked over at me, and for a moment we locked eyes before she looked at the sky. 

Something I noticed about that girl is that every time I see her, she's looking at the sky. She looks at it like it's the prettiest thing in the world. Maybe she doesn't go out at night much, but she definitely has recently. 

Brooke nodded. "You don't have to buy me anything, but we can go look at things. Would they allow me into your shopping places if I'm wearing just a bathing suit?" I shrugged, knowing they probably would, after all, we're right next to the beach and most people go to the stores to get a snack while they watch their kid play in the saltwater. 

I stood up, dusting the sand off of my legs. "Would your parents mind you taking me there?" She asked. I thought for a second. Would my mother mind? Yes. Would she kill me if I go? Probably. Then again, she'd probably kill me for just being at home too. I shook my head. "My mother wouldn't care."

"Okay." And we started to walk to the stores that were near the beach. I saw some shirts, but I knew I didn't have enough money on me for them. I looked over at Brooke, who was looking at everything in amazement. Did her parents not let her go outside often? I saw an ice cream place, which had more desserts than just ice cream. 

"Hey Brooke, want ice cream? Or a cookie or something?" I asked her. She looked over at me. She looked confused. 

"Ice cream?" 

"Yeah, you want some?" Has she never had ice cream? "It's probably the cheapest thing here." Maybe she just hasn't had it since she was little. She nodded, hesitating. 

When I asked her what flavor she wanted she said she didn't know, so I got us both vanilla. We sat down at a table inside the shop. I knew her feet were probably tired from walking around for an hour, especially since she's barefoot.

After an hour, we went back to the beach. It was almost 12 in the morning, but we just sat there, looking at the water. I turned to look at the girl sitting next to me, but I noticed she was falling asleep. I was too, but I tried to stay awake. Unfortunately, I failed at that. 

I woke up abruptly. I was sitting on the beach still and it was raining. Brooke was asleep and I wondered how many hours passed. I got my phone out of my pocket. It was only 4 AM. I tried to wake her up, but I couldn't. She looked so peaceful. I almost didn't want to wake her up, but I knew she'd be cold if I didn't. I shook her. 

"Huh?" She said, sleepily. I told her that it was raining and that she probably had to be home. She just shook her head. "My parents don't want me home." Did they kick her out or something? 

"Do you wanna stay at my place for tonight?" She shrugged. I stood up. Brooke did the same. "So I'm gonna guess you want to?" She nodded. I started walking. "Just follow me then." 


Okay, this one was kinda short. Sorry! Also, I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update. I'll try to update faster. 

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