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Phoebe jumped in front of me, and Noah moved his hand. He didn't want to kill her; he wanted to kill me. I looked down at Phoebe. Noah was starting his magic up again, aiming towards me this time. Phoebe had a mark on her stomach, but other than that, she was fine. I smiled with relief. "Get out of the way, Phoebe. This is between me and him. I don't need you getting hurt thanks to that idiot,"


"Go." I didn't take my eyes off of the boy who's trying to murder me. I stared at him as he smirked, summoning the biggest ball of magic I've seen someone conjure. Phoebe scooted behind a rock. I had to come up with a plan. Fast. If I didn't there would be no chance in trying to fight back. I would be dead on the spot. Just as he was about to fire, I stopped him.

"Hey," I said. He stopped trying to aim, letting his powers fade for a moment. "Why fight on land? We all know powers are increased underwater, right?" I said. I finally had a plan.

"Are you trying to trick me?" Noah asked, raising his hand.

"No, no! Of course not," I lied. "I just want it to be a fair fight. You know. Because my powers are stronger than yours,"

"Wh- They are not!" I ignored him, running to the ocean and jumping in. I heard a splash, and I smiled. On to my next plan. I swam deeper underground, towards the castle. (Er- what was left of it.) I looked behind me to see Siren Noah following me. He kept aiming magic at me. I dodged it most of the time. The other times, it usually hit my left arm, leaving small burns. The salt water made it hurt worse, but I couldn't show it if I wanted him to keep following me.

I looked around for the spot. I saw it and I swam full speed towards it. He followed me, shooting balls of magic at me. I shot one back. He yelled something at me, to which I responded with a hand signal that no one would approve of me doing. I swam under the broken building, watching Noah follow. I stopped and turned around.

I just realized I had never seen him in his siren form. He had an ink colored tail. Unlike merfolk, sirens' tails were dull and dark.  His eyes looked different underwater. The bright blue was now duller. He stared at me, summoning a ball of magic. I moved around, looking around. We were in Erye's prison. There were rock cages, secured with magic. I smiled.

What are you gonna do, Brooke? Lock me in the rocks? Wow, what a punishment. He smirked, holding his magic in his hand. The magic swirled around, mixing with some of the water.

Hey, you're the one who wanted to fight! I'm bringing you here so we can have a fair fight! Loser goes in the cage. Noah rolled his eyes.

You're literally just begging to be dead, don't you? Noah asked.

I burst my magic at him in the chest, catching him off guard. He was flung against the wall. I smiled. I thought he would've expected it. He got up, flinging magic at me. It hit me. It felt as if boiling hot water came hurtling towards me. The relief of cold water before the burn. I winced, raising my hand and shooting at him.

That all you got, kid? He smirked, dodging it.

What're you calling me kid for, you're the same age as me! I shot magic at him, repeatedly. He backed up, barely dodging the magic. He leaned against the wall, sliding down.

You know,Noah said, his voice making him sound weak. We could stop fighting. We could stop and be friends. I'm sorry about before,

I looked at him with a sympathetic look, crouching down to the floor. Noah, I said, grabbing his hand. I want to stop fighting too. But it isn't that easy.

Noah looked at me. Why not?

Because, I lifted him up, turning him around. I know what you act like. I know what you are.

And what is that?

A manipulative idiot. I pushed him into the cell, closing the doors and locking them.

Wh- Brooke, let me out! Magic hit the bars, but they were reinforced with magic. They were resistant to anything. I swam off. Fear and pain finally kicked in and once I got out of the building, I stopped swimming. I fell to the ocean floor and screamed. Jamie and Evian were there, asking if I was okay.

My tail hurt really bad, and I knew he did something to it. I touched it, and it hurt even more. I winced in pain. Jamie grabbed my wrist, which kind of hurt. Thanks to Noah, I had scrapes and probably things that were going to be a bruise everywhere. Brooke!

Huh? I looked up at Jamie and Evian, still in pain.

Are you okay? I mean, I know you're not, but do we need to find a healer?

I'm... I'm fine.. I looked up to the surface. We need to find guards to watch Noah, though. And to watch the border. Jamie and Evian nodded.

I'll find a guard, Evian stated.

Jamie, can you watch Noah for now. Maybe make sure no one else comes into Erye. I need to check on Phoebe.

Is she a human? Evian asked. I nodded, smiling.

I'll be back in an hour. Can you guys hurry? They nodded. I grinned. I thanked them and swam up to the surface. I transformed back, revealing what was wrong with my legs. There were minor scratches and red spots, which would turn into bruises soon. I limped over to Phoebe, who was sitting against a rock, clutching her side. She had a hole in her hoodie, showing a big cut in her side. I winced.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" I asked her. She shrugged. "I'll get you a new hoodie." She smiled. "For now, let's just get you to the hospital."


After Phoebe filled out papers, they asked about her parents. She told them the partial truth: her mom was out of town and so was her dad. The hospital called her dad anyways.

Phoebe was laying in a hospital bed. They threw away her hoodie, which she was upset about. I sat in the room with her while she begrudgingly waited for her father to show up. I held her hand while she freaked out about her father coming over.

Knock knock.

(Okay, so I haven't uploaded in more than a month. So what? I've been stressed. Anyway, there's only 2 or three more chapters. I'm either making a sequel or a story w/ superheroes. Let me know? Bye! <3)

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