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I was so insanely mad at Brooke. She doesn't want to talk to me? Fine. Whatever. See if I care. What's up with her? She tells me a huge secret and now does this? That is so not like her. I look at myself in the mirror and wipe my eyes. I got a paper towel and put cold water on it, putting it over my eyes. I know Brooke knows I was crying, but I don't want everyone else to know. 

I walk back to the classroom, fidgeting with my hoodie sleeves. I open the door and everyone turns to look at me. I look at the floor, taking deep breaths. I sat down. The normal classroom chatter resumes and everyone works on the dumb reading packet we got. Brooke taps me and subconsciously, I get mad at her. I don't even take a moment to see her reaction and just turn around. 

I get too excited to go to P.E. One, it's the end of the day and I get to go out somewhere with Angel and two, I get to hang out with Angel. She's already in there when I walk in the building, doing her warm-ups. I smile at her. She smiles back. I open my gym locker, seeing another pink sticky note. I ignore it and change. After our daily gym routine, Angel and I sit down next to each other. I feel my face heat up. "So, you excited for today?" She asks. I nod. "I've been thinking about it the whole day." She states. I smile at her again. 

"Me too." I look down at my shoes. "I wish we had more classes together." She nods in agreement. It's silent between us until she speaks up.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Brooke crosses my mind for a moment, but I shake my head after remembering the note she gave me earlier. "Not even Brooke?" I shake my head immediately. Does she know...? "I assumed you did. Wait, are you even g-" I interrupted her. 

"Yeah," I laugh. "You?" I crossed my fingers subtly. She nodded. I smiled. "Cool." 



The bell rang and as kids ran out the doors, Angel and I stayed in the gym on the bleachers for a couple minutes, making sure we have all our stuff in our bags. It was the weekend, so we had to stuff our gym clothes in our bags. She smiled and looked at me. I looked down at my bag, zipping it up. "Ready?" She asked. I looked up and smiled. 

"Yeah. Can we wait a minute more before we leave, though?" She raised an eyebrow at my question. "I don't want to have to see someone right now, and they're going to be at the school front on our way out." I looked down, feeling in my hoodie pocket for the sticky note.

 Angel put her hand on my shoulder. "Everything okay?" She asked. I nodded, lying. I looked up at her. She had a worried look on her face. I smiled. 

"We can probably go now." And we left to the froyo place. 

"Which flavor do you want?" Angel asked. 

"Oh, I've never actually had froyo," I said. "Give me whatever you like best." 

"Okay, no, we're trying all of the flavors." Angel grabbed my hand, dragging me inside the store. She asked for samples of a couple that I told her sounded interesting. She handed them to me and I tried them. We sat down at a table outside and she sat across from me. She kept staring at me the whole time I was trying the froyo. My face was hot, and I kept looking down. Once I was done, I finally looked up. She looked away. 

"Why were you staring at me?" I asked, laughing nervously. "Do I have something on my face?" She shook her head and mumbled something underneath her breath. 

"Anyway, which one did you like the most?" Angel asked.

"Vanilla," I said. 

"Really? That's so boring! You sure there isn't any other ones? You can have two flavors if you want, I'm paying!" I shook my head. She nodded, walking to the machines to go get them, then went to go pay for it. I felt my face get hotter as she walked back smiling. She dropped the vanilla froyo in front of me. I looked down at it, seeing only blue gummy bears in it. I smiled.

"How long did it take you to find these?" I asked, laughing. 

"A couple seconds. They're always at the bottom." She sat in the chair, her legs on the arm of the chair. She was sitting on the chair wrong. It was cute. She had her froyo in one hand and the spoon in the other, eating it while laughing quietly. 

"What are you laughing at?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Nothin'," She said. "You're just cute." My face went hot, and I'm guessing it went pure red too. She looked up at me. "Ah, sorry!" She said. 

"No, it's fine. I just don't get compliments often, I don't know how to react to them." I laughed.  She frowned. 

"You should get more. You deserve them." She ate some of her froyo. I looked away, eating some of mine. After a while, we were talking more, exchanging phone numbers and social media usernames. We told jokes and laughed about everything. We eventually got to the topic of Brooke. I quickly changed the topic. My phone buzzed, and I took it out to check it. I looked at the time. It was nine! "Oh, god, I lost track of time." I laughed. "It's almost ten!" Angel's eyes went wide. 

"Really?" I nodded. 

"I have to get home," I grabbed my bag, waiting for her. While we walked she slipped her hand into mine. I stopped across the road from my house, seeing Brooke sitting there. I couldn't breathe. She reminded me of Lily for a moment, but Angel squeezed my hand. I turned to look at her, tears in my eyes. I blinked. 

"You okay?" I shook my head, looking down and wiping my eyes. "Hey, look at me." I did. "It's okay, Phoebe." She leaned in and kissed my cheek and I realized I liked her.  A lot. 

"Sit next to me at lunch tomorrow?" I asked. She nodded. "See you, Angel." 

"See you, Phoebe." And she was gone. I grinned, walking home. I looked at Brooke, my smile immediately dropping. She kept saying things, and I answered, but every word that came out of her mouth was distorted. The only thing I heard was

"What did I do?" 

"You know what you did," I replied, walking inside. Once the door closed, I broke down in tears. I got my phone out and texted Angel. 


miss me already? 

lol sure. can you just send me funny pictures of something? i don't feel too good rn. 

what's wrong? u okay??

yeah no im fine, just send me stuff. 

<Image recieved at 10:12 PM>


(uhh yeah. to my special reader, you know who you are, this is dedicated to you. hope you enjoy this lovely angel content lol. bye. <3)

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