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Brooke was finally admitted into my school, and I was having a great time. She was in my English classes, history, and art. I was happy that she was in them. It was her first day at my school, so I went to show Brooke her locker. It was in the building next to the athletics building, which is where my last period is. I told her to go to her locker after her last period so we would walk together. 

We walked out the door, Brooke wearing a gray baseball-style t-shirt and my old ripped jeans. She had her blue backpack on. I smiled.  "So how was your first day?" I asked her, looking around to make sure Lily wasn't around. "Fun!" She smiled. "I met this guy named Noah, I think, but he's really nice!" I tried to think of which Noah she was talking about. 

"Did that Noah have dark hair and glasses or light hair and a beanie?" I asked. 

"He had light hair." She said, looking at the sky, occasionally looking down so she didn't bump into anything. I frowned, looking away. That was Noah Henderson. He was nice, but he does some pretty bad things. 

"Do you like him?" I asked, pulling her out of the road. She nodded and I looked away from her. "Be careful. He isn't too great of a person." 

"Maybe you're talking about the other Noah," Brooke spoke. "Cause this one seems pretty nice."  I looked over at her and sighed. Does she not understand how people here can be? She turned to me. "What?" She smiled. 

I looked ahead. "Ah, nothin'." 


We walked through the front door. I ran upstairs and set my bag on my desk, and waited for Brooke to come up. I heard her come up the stairs. She walked in through the door, her backpack partially unzipped. She dropped her backpack. "School is exhausting." She said, sitting on the floor. I smiled. 

"Yup, it's gonna be like that forever. Or at least until we graduate." I said. 

Brooke groaned. "How do you put up with that? Back in Er-" She paused momentarily. "My house, I just got told information and I had to memorize it. It's much easier that way." I looked down at her, then sat on the lower bed. 

"Sounds easier." I laughed. "So, you like Noah, right?" I asked Brooke. Brooke looked at me and nodded. 

"Yeah," She smiled. I turned away, realizing Alex was right. 

"Damn," I said under my breath.  I pulled out my phone. "I'll be right back, Brooke." And I stepped into the hallway, closing the door. I called Alex.

"What do you want, Phoebe?" Alex answered. There was laughter in the background. 

"You were right," I mumbled. 

"About what?" Alex said, "I'm right about a lot of things."  

I rolled my eyes. He totally was not right about a lot of things. At all. "The crush thing." 

"I knew it!" Someone yelled in the background. "Alex! Give me the money!" I heard rustling and Alex cursing at who I assumed to be Oliver. Did they place a bet on me? Alex sighed and I heard Oliver shout something in the background. 

"Anyways, this is literally the worse time to realize this, though. Brooke likes Noah."

"Noah Henderson? Ew, why?" Oliver said in the background.

"I don't know. Help me out here guys how do I not crush on her?" I whispered. This was literally the worst time to realize I like her. I want her to be happy with Noah, even though he's a total jerk. 

"Just... Uh... Well, you can't distance yourself from her. She lives with you. Um, yo Oliver you got any ideas?" Alex yelled at Oliver. "Try to think of her as straight or something," Oliver replied. 

"Okay, thanks. By the way, did you two place a bet on whether or not I like Brooke?" 

"Haha, no. Bye now!" He hung up. 

I laughed, walking into my room to see Brooke staring at my glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. I looked up at them. I didn't like them. The longer they're there the more childish they seem. I should've taken them down when I was thirteen. Staring at them with disgust, Brooke spoke up. "So what was that about?" I laughed nervously. 

"Nothing important, I guess." I shrugged, not looking at her. She likes Noah, and I just have to forget about the crush.  Should be easy, right? I looked at her again, then turned away. "So have you met anyone besides Noah?" 

"I met someone named Angel," She replied quietly. "She seems nice, I guess." I tried to remember who Angel was. Did Lily have a friend named Angel? 

"What did she look like?" I asked, turning to her. 

"Brown hair, boyish short hair. I saw her at lunch. She sits alone. I don't think she talks to many people."  I started to think. Was that the girl who came up to me after I got hit by the ball? 

"Lip ring?" I asked, which Brooke responded to it with a nod. "Okay. I know her then."  


(Uh... It's been a while. Sorry this was short, I just ran out of ideas after the first word and decided to just write kinda a filler chapter. Anyway, how was it? Bye <3)

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