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(Uh there's some homophobia in here so be careful. I used the F-word, so uh trigger warning and don't read after the part where the demon girl comes in.)


When I woke up, I first noticed Brooke. She was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling. She looked deep in thought. "G'mornin' Brooke," I said, yawning. She looked up at me and smiled. I climbed down the ladder of my bunk bed and sat next to her. "Did you sleep at all?" She nodded. 

I smiled. Then I noticed she was squeezing her arm. "Hey what's wrong with your arm? Does it hurt or something?" She shook her head, but I knew something was wrong. "It hurts a bit, and so does my leg, but I'm fine..." 

"Why does it hurt?" I asked. She shrugged. "I- If it hurts more, tell me please." 


"What do you wanna do today, Brooke?" I asked, knowing my mother would most likely be in a bad mood today. She shrugged. 

"What are some good things to do?" She asked. I thought for a moment. There were lots of things, but also not really. There was the mall, the beach, the shops by the beach, and the park. Other things cost money, which I don't have much of. So I told her about the places and stuff.  She seemed interested in the park. I took her there. 

We passed the gates of the city park and she turned around. "What do we do here?" She asked. "We could go to the kids' playground and go on the slides, or we could climb on stuff that we probably shouldn't climb on. What do you wanna do?" She smiled. "If we climb can we look at the sky?" 

"If you want to, but why do you like the sky so much? If you don't mind me asking."She looked at me, confused. "Why don't you like the sky as much?" 

"Well, because it's-" I stopped. I couldn't really think of why.

"I've always loved the sky," Brooke said, smiling and looking up at it. "Sometimes there are tiny balls of light, and other times there's only one bright, large light.  It changes from blue to pink and orange to navy blue. Sometimes after it rains, there's a rainbow streak in the sky, like someone painted it on. Sometimes it's gray and full of large and small clouds. It's just so fascinating, how can you not think it is?" She looked at me.

"I guess I never really looked at it like that." I walked to a bench and sat down. Brooke sat down next to me. I looked at her. "Hey let's get to know each other more. I only know a couple things about you. Twenty questions we get to ask each other, okay?" I asked.

"Okay. You ask first." Brooke said. 

"What's your favorite color?" 

"Navy blue or purple, I guess. What's yours?" She asked. 


We asked each other 19 questions about what our favorite items are, somethings about our best friend(s), and our families. But my question was kind of different from the others. "Okay, you don't have to answer this one, but I ask all of my friends this to know who I get to ship them with. What's your sexuality?" 

Brooke looked at me, thinking. "I don't really know, to be honest. Where I grew up, we weren't big on labels. In my house, it was I like whoever I want and that was it." I was jealous of that. I want parents like that. 

"And yours?" 


"Your sexuality?" 

"One hundred percent homosexual," I said, laughing. Brooke laughed a little bit too. "Do you wanna go somewhere else or just stay here and talk?" She asked me. I shrugged. "What do you want to do?" 

"I wanna stay and talk to you." She smiled. I felt my face heat up, and I looked at a tree. 

We talked for a long time and most of the time spent bonding and giggling. Then, I noticed the familiar face of a girl I loathe. Brooke was talking about her friends, but I had to interrupt. "Uh, Brooke, sorry for interrupting, but we have to go. Like, now, please. We can go to the beach or something." I stood up, grabbing her hand and pulling her, not wanting to talk to that demon girl. 

"Wait, Phoebe, what-" 

"Hey, McCullough." I stopped, taking a deep breath to prepare myself. 

"Hey, Lily." I turned around, letting go of Brooke's hand. 

"Oh, who's this? Is this your girlfriend?" She said, "Who knew someone like you could even get someone to like you!"

"Wait, "what?" Brooke spoke. "Who's she?" 

"I'm just a friend of your girlfriend!" She laughed. 

"She isn't my girlfriend, she's just my friend. Don't mess with her." I said, wanting to leave before she did anything bad. I knew how she was and I didn't want her to mess with Brooke, or tell her rumors about me. I don't want to lose her, she's a good friend. (here it comes)

"Do you have a crush on her, you faggot?"

There it was. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Brooke, can we go please?" I turned to her. She looked mad and confused. Brooke walked up to Lily. "Brooke what are you-" She said something to her that made Lily roll her eyes and walk away. 

"What did you say?" 

"Nothin'" She smiled. "Let's go to the beach." 


(Okay, uh, I probably didn't do that correctly, but yeah. So this one only had 908 words so it's kind of short. Sorry! I'll try to write the next one to be longer. Also, I wrote this thing in one day. It's currently 1:12am as I post this and I need sleep. Bye <#)

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