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Evian! I called out. Jamie?  Looking around, I saw nothing but the clear water, coral, and seaweed. I frowned. Did they disappear? Fear washed over me. Did Noah hurt them? He's a siren, I know that now, but if he hurt them I'm killing him no matter how dangerous he is. I continued to search. I swam far enough out to see the ruins of the kingdom. I frowned. Guys! I called out. A faint reply. Again except this time, I could hear it clearly. 

Brooke! It was Jamie. I followed the calls, smiling. I saw Jamie and Evian sitting on rocks, smiling. Once they saw me, they got up and swam to me, tackling me in hugs. Evian was crying and Jamie was tearing up. They pulled away, Jamie putting his hands on my shoulders. He stared at me in the eyes. I thought you died, oh my gods. He pulled me into another hug. 

Evian floated next to Jamie. She was way shorter than Jamie, only reaching to where his tail starts. Jamie pulled out of the hug, finally giving Evian a turn. She swam up to reach my height and hugged me. I smiled. I was worried about you. 

Sorry, I said. She pulled out of the hug, sinking back to the seafloor. I looked at them, glancing to the surface. 

Please stop doing dangerous things, Brooke, Jamie said in a joking tone. I apologized again. He laughed. Ignoring that, how's life on the surface? 

I felt my face go hot thinking about Phoebe. I got mad thinking about Noah. It's not the best if I'm talking about some people. I put my arm across my stomach, trying to hide the dumb black scars. Jamie raised an eyebrow. I'm surprised neither of them had asked about them. I hated them and I've only had them for, what, not even a day. I scratched my arm as if that would make them go away. 

Jamie, Evian, and I sat on the rocks, talking for what felt like forever. So, Jamie said. Dating anyone yet? I was about to say yes, then I realized I'm not dating Phoebe and I'm pretty sure Noah thinks I'm dead so that's a way of breaking up with someone you don't like. I shook my head, looking down. 

What about you? I asked. He blushed.

I mean there's this one girl but I don't really think we're technically dating. This spiked my and Evian's interest. 

Ooh, tell us more, I said and so he did. We spent probably hours talking and teasing him about this girl, whose name was Lyra. She was from another kingdom, one of the ones that haven't been destroyed. Evian and I teased him about it, which made him a blushing mess. I laughed as Evian made childish remarks and Jamie stared daggers at her. I noticed it was starting to get brighter. Had it really been that long? 

Guys! I think I need to get back up there. I said. 

Didn't it use to be the opposite? Jamie asked. You had to get back down here whenever it was getting brighter. He laughed. Evian frowned at me saying I had to leave. 

Yes. And Evian, I'll be back tomorrow. I have to heal in the water, you know? I smiled. She returned it. As I swam back to the surface, I waved at them. They waved back. I brought my head out from underwater, my hair falling in my face. I pushed it out of my face, seeing Phoebe look at me and smile. I smiled back sheepishly, not knowing what to talk about. 

I transformed back, walking onto the sand. It stuck to my feet; I ignored it. I sat next to Phoebe, yawning. "Can we go back to your house?" I said. Phoebe nodded, looking away from me. I frowned. As we walked back, I inched closer to her until we were almost touching. She didn't notice and I took this to my advantage. I slipped my hand into hers. She looked at me, blushing. I smiled innocently. 

"Brooke," Phoebe said. 

"Yes?" I asked, acting like I didn't do anything. Technically, I didn't. All I had done was hold her hand. 


"Because we like each other and I said so," I said, smiling. She kept blushing, looking at her shoes. I smiled. When she got to her front door, she unlocked it with her free hand, pulling me inside. We walked upstairs and she never let go of my hand. We sat on her bed, laughing about some dumb jokes I told. 

I heard a door slam downstairs and noises. I stopped laughing, my focus turning to the noise. Phoebe looked at me. "Hey, it's just my mom. It's okay." I looked at her, calming down. 

"Phoebe!" I heard her mother yell from downstairs. "Get down here!" Something was weird with her voice. Phoebe let go of my hand, walking downstairs. 

"I'll be back in a second, 'kay?" I nodded. As soon as the door closed and I heard her walk down, I went to the door and listened. Something about her mom being gone and her mom telling her she better not had done anything while she was gone. I couldn't hear what Phoebe said, but I could hear a couple words. 

"Yes mother," I heard her say occasionally. Her mother screaming stopped and I heard the door slam again. Hearing the footsteps of what I assumed to be Phoebe, I ran back to the bed. Phoebe closed the door and locked it. "She went out to some bar again. We won't see her for a while, but I'm locking the door to be safe." I nodded.

"Would I be able to sit with you guys at lunch again?" I asked. Phoebe didn't respond for a moment. 

"Do you even want to go back?" Not really. "You're going to have to see Noah, but I'll be there to protect you. It'll be fine if you want to." I shrugged. 

"I do but at the same time," I sighed, laying down on the bed."I really can't face Noah again." Phoebe lies down next to me, holding my hand again. 

"You don't have to go in. I'll cover for you or if you don't want to go back at all I can say you're being homeschooled." I smiled, thankful for Phoebe. I yawned again. "You getting tired?" She asked quietly. I nodded, moving closer to her. I could see her blush. I looked up at her, smiling. She smiled back. "Goodnight." I closed my eyes. 

"Goodnight," Then I fell asleep. 


(I feel like this is probably a dummy filler chapter because I'm lame. Is anyone besides the special kid reading this? If you are, comment? Or something? Please? Bye <3)

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