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Brooke (tw for abuse, ig)

Day after day, week after week, Phoebe kept ignoring me. I'd try to talk to her when she walked into her room, she wouldn't even look at me. I'd try to tap on her shoulder in English class. Again, she'd ignore me. Some days I'd come home late just to avoid her. Others, I just didn't go home at all. Angel took my spot at their lunch table, and they seemed to be having so much fun, not even sparing me a single glance. Noah would notice that I keep staring towards them, so he'd wrap his arm around me, pulling me in for a kiss. I'd pull out before he got too close to me.  

After a week, I stopped talking to her and even looking her way. At school, at home, in public. I often forgot she was there until I saw her when I went to my so-called home. She'd be on her top bunk, and I'd just curl up in a ball on the bottom. Some days I left in the middle of the night, packing a cereal bar and the next days clothes in my backpack. I'd stay up the whole night staring at the sky and sometimes crying. The next morning, I'd run to school and sit with Noah in the cafeteria before school started. He'd ask why I looked so tired, then try to kiss me. Over and over. I eventually just went to the restroom and just took a five-minute nap before classes. 

During lunch, I kept falling asleep, but Noah kept tapping me. "Brooke, stop falling asleep. God, it's getting annoying." I apologized, yawning. "Also, stop eating so much, that's annoying too." I looked at my tray, pushing it away. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the skating rink with me later? Like another date?" I thought about it for a second. 

"Sure," I said, yawning. My eyes were heavy, but I didn't want to be annoying to Noah, so I acted like my usual self. I glanced over at Phoebe's table to see Alex and Oliver laughing at something and Angel holding hands with Phoebe. I frowned. I saw Phoebe glance over at me, then quickly look away. I frowned. After school, I was hungry, but I ignored it. Noah and I walked over to town to skate. I didn't know what it was, but I'll find out soon, I guess. When we got there, there were tall neon signs and people on shoes with wheels. I raised an eyebrow at why people would enjoy this, but I shrugged.

We got our skates, putting them on. I tried to stand up, only to fall backward. Noah snickered. "New at this much? You can't even stand up on the carpet." He extended his arm, pulling me up. I thanked him. He held my arm, pulling me onto the floor. I lost my balance when he pulled me, but he caught me. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I loved his smile. He held my hand as we skated, helping me up every time I fell. We had fun, but his phone started ringing and he went outside to answer it. I kept skating, spotting Phoebe. I almost fell. Why was she here? Oh gods, what if she sees me? I shook my head, holding onto the skating rail. I kept skating, eventually catching up to her. I saw Angel near her, but she said something to Phoebe and skated to the bathrooms. 

I looked around for Noah, not looking at Phoebe. I didn't want to think about her. I kept skating, not looking ahead of me, but just around. I bumped into someone. I looked up. It was Phoebe. She almost fell. She had an angry look on her face. "God, Brooke, really?" She said, skating to the sitting area. "What's wrong with you?" I followed her. 

"Why have you been avoiding me?" 

"What?" She looked up at me. I stared at her face while speaking. I haven't seen her properly for weeks. She looked different in a way I couldn't describe. 

"At home. At school. You haven't talked to me for weeks, Phoebe. Gods, you never talk to me or even look at me unless it's to give me a dirty look! I-" Tears were filling my eyes, making my vision blurry. Phoebe interrupted me. 

"You know what you did!"

"No, Phoebe, I don't! " Tears were flowing down my face and we were yelling at each other. "Gods, I have no idea what I did to you to make you despise me, but I'm sorry, okay? I don't have a single clue what I did and it really sucks that my best friend would ignore me for something I didn't know about right after my family died! So please, Phoebe," My voice cracked and I lowered my voice, "What did I do to you?" Phoebe had tears streaming down her face too, and she opened her mouth to speak.

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