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I woke up to see Brooke right next to me, sleeping peacefully. I sat up, grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 8:45 and I wasn't ready for school. I brushed my hair and teeth, grabbing a cereal bar for breakfast.

"Hey, Brooke. I'm going to school." I said, shaking her gently. She mumbled something, rolled over, and ignored me. I smiled. "Okay, see you later." I put my backpack on and started to walk to school.


The day seemed to last forever, which wasn't helped by Lily and her group of friends pushing me against lockers in between classes.

At lunchtime, I sat next to Oliver and Alex. "So, why doesn't Brooke go to this school?" Oli asked. I shrugged.

"She was being homeschooled before her parents kicked her out for some probably dumb reason." I took a bite of the school lunch. Oliver and Alex were whispering about something.

"So how's your crush on her going?" I almost choked on my food. Coughing, I managed to say something.

"What?" I asked, feeling my face heat up. "I don't have a crush on her, she's just my friend." I was still coughing.

They both laughed. I crossed my arms. "Yeah, funny. I could've died choking on the food." I joked.


Last period of the day, and the one I hate most. Gym. Not because of the fact I have to actually do things, but because Lily is in my class and we play dodgeball often. And every single time we do, I go home with an ice pack.

I saw the coaches setting out the equipment for what we're doing. Of course, it had to be dodgeball. I sighed, wanting to turn around and go home.

I sat on the bleachers inside, telling the coach I felt sick. I watched everyone play, occasionally texting Oliver. People were loud, running around and yelling at their friends. I put my bag in my lap, leaning my head back against the wall.

I remembered yesterday when Brooke dragged me to my house. I cringed, remembering how much I had cried in front of her. Why didn't I just hide it until she was asleep? But she hugged me, and I felt safe.

I shook my head, trying to think about something else when a ball came hit my face. I felt my eyes start to water since it hit my nose. Not again. I held my nose.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Someone ran up to me. The voice didn't sound familiar. I looked up to see a person with a dark brown pixie cut, brown eyes, and a lip ring. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, wanting them to go away.

"Your nose is bleeding!"

I didn't notice that. "Oh. That's unfortunate." I rose my hand to my nose, looking at the blood. I covered my nose, grabbed my bag and told the coach I was going to the nurse. She gave a pass, and I walked to the bathroom to get napkins.

I don't need to go to the nurse. All they do is give me ice. Plus, they're probably tired of seeing me. I put the napkins up to my nose, waiting for the blood to stop.

Who even hit me? Eh, I knew the answer to that. Probably Lily. Or that one kid who came up to me. Who was that anyway? I don't know them. I've never seen them here before. Maybe they're a new kid? Or I'm just not as observant as I had previously thought.

I checked the time, seeing that school was almost out. I decided to walk home now, rather than later when it's more likely that I'll run into Lily. I checked the hallways to make sure there weren't any teachers and ran out the side doors. Once I technically off of school property, I stopped by a tree.

I wondered if Brooke was at my house or if she wandered to the beach. She's done it before, so I wouldn't be surprised. I grabbed my key out of my pocket, unlocked the door, and slowly opened it. I knew my mother wasn't home yet; I didn't see her car. I yawned, tired from school.

"Brooke, " I called out. "You here?" I heard some footsteps down the stairs. I saw Brooke run through the living room. She stopped right in front of me. Smiling, I said, "Hey."

"Hi!" She said, grinning. "You're home earlier than usual."

"I left earlier than I'm supposed to," I said, walking to my room. I opened my door, throwing my bag somewhere. Brooke stood in my doorway, looking at me. I felt my face grow hot. "What?" I asked.

"One second, " She said, walking out and back in with a wet paper towel. She wiped a part of my upper lip with it. "Sorry, you had some blood there. Did those jerks do something to you?"

I shrugged, sitting on my bed. "Maybe, I don't know who did it exactly." Brooke crossed her arms. I yawned. "Why do you even care? It's not like you're getting hurt."

"Well, cause you're my friend! I care about you, and I don't like when you get hurt!" She said, sitting next to me. I looked away.

"What if you hurt me? Like without meaning to, " I said.

"I wouldn't do that." She put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched. I nodded, yawning. My eyes were starting to get heavy, but I didn't want to fall asleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I slept now. I'd go to sleep at 1 am and wake up late.

Yawning once again, I drifted to sleep.


(Hi this was written by a very tired Myri who is getting mad at autocorrect. Anyway, uh who wants the gay? Also, does anyone want me to explain merthings? <i say to the two readers> Anyway, bye <3)

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