Year 2

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Today was my twenty sixth birthday and I've just arrived to my parent's house. I was... avoiding the rest of my family for the whole year. Sure, I stayed very much in contact with them, but I made sure not to meet with any of them in person. Today was the day to see them all again, the day they would see ME. I wanted to shock them and looking at myself, I was pretty sure I would. I was fat.

I struggled to get out of the car and there was no surprise in that, I was quite frankly too fat for it. Even with the seat moved as much back as it could go, my gut and boobs were still pressing against the steering wheel. I didn't know how much weighted, but I knew that the car sighed in relief when I finally managed to get out of it.

I slowly walked towards the entrance to the house. All the muscles I acquired during my slim days found their use in getting my extreme weight into motion. Thanks to my previous disciplined lifestyle I was able to walk quite easily. The issues I had were caused more by my size rather than by my weight. Step by step I had to waddle to the door, because of my massive thighs rubbing against each other so much and my gut slapping against them didn't help either. I lifted my meaty arm, larger than most people's legs, and rang the bell. Couple of seconds later my mom opened the door. "Hey hon- Oh my!"

It took me a few moments to navigate my large body through the door frame, but I was getting quite experienced with this issue and so it didn't take me too long. "Mom, could I get something to eat? I'm kinda peckish." I said stroking my soft middle.

"Of course honey."

"Could you please bring it to the living room? Thanks."

This year I made sure to be the first "child" to arrive. After all I had to make sure I'll have enough to eat. Recently my appetite went crazy... I haven't felt full in almost three months and I was going to try to change it today.

I sat down on the good old three-seated couch. It groaned and whined as my booty sank into its cushions. Quick look sideways revealed I filled almost two thirds of the couch. I smiled to myself. I'm bigger than Amber and Cheryl were last year! Although I think I'm a bit more bottom than them...

After a little while my mom appeared carrying a tray with a huge pile of her giant burgers on top of it. With my expert eye I estimated that a normal family could have live off them for a number of weeks, maybe even months. Probably months. I definitely wasn't normal at this stage in my life. "Thanks for the appetizers, mom. Can't wait for the main course!"

As the day progressed, one by one my sisters started to arrive. Courtney was the first to turn up. Let's say she was quite taken aback when she realized who I was. "Oh my god! You're huge!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Thanks. You don't look so small yourself." It was true. Courtney's previously huge bosom seemed to have expanded even further, still overshadowing the rest of her body, even though she was sporting pretty impressive gut herself. She must have been nearing the big 300 just like mom.

Amber was next to waddle in and it seemed like she wasn't too happy to find someone else in her spot.

"Oh my god, Cheryl. You fat bitch, there's not enough space next to your giant ass anymore!"

"I'm sorry Amber. I'm not Cheryl though..."

Amber's jaw dropped. "Twiggy?!"

I laughed. "I guess I'm not Twiggy anymore either."

"How the fuck did this happen?!" Amber exhaled in disbelief.

"Language!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

Last to arrive was Cheryl and we heard her before we saw her. She was panting heavily, her legs barely able to carry her extraordinary weight. To make things worse, her giant middle fell all the way down to her knees.

"Amber, if you'll even think about sitting on the couch than I'll kick your ass!" Cheryl shouted while she was struggling to make her way into living room.

"I don't think I'll be your problem today." Amber laughed from her spot on two chairs put together. "Kelly on the other hand..."

Cheryl waddled into the living room and rested her gut upon a table with sigh of relief. The table groaned underneath the immense weight.

"Get out Twiggy. I'm the fattest, I sit on the couch." Cheryl announced, still failing to look my way.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure about that either. You look about the same size." Amber remarked pointing at me.

Cheryl finally looked at my expanded form. "How the hell did you get so fat?!" I just shrugged.

"Alright there's only one way how to solve this. Courtney, bring the scale!" Cheryl commanded.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? This scale only goes up to six hundred." Courtney said worryingly.

"Do you have a better idea?" Courtney shook her head making her impressive chest wobble. Cheryl took a deep breath and carefully stepped on the scale. "What does it say?"

"598" Amber announced. "Your turn Kelly."

Hours and hours spend by eating took its toll on me and I struggled to lift my fat bottom off the couch. "Just give me a sec." I tried to stand up, but failed. "Can you give me a hand?"

I tried to look down at the scale, but I couldn't see anything but my soft body. "So? What does it say."

"Error." Cheryl exhaled in defeat.

The whole family sat around the table. Nine chairs for six people. I couldn't help but smile, seeing that not even two chairs managed to contain my growing posterior. Only Amber sat next to me this year.

The biggest part of the table was taken by a giant cake with twenty six candles on it.

Looking around the table there was no denying that the family curse was running strong. In fact it seemed that it was getting stronger. I watched Courtney digging into her second slice of cake. She was only 20 and she was attacking 300 pounds already.

"Can you imagine," I said to the silence disturbed only by munching, "how big will Courtney get when the curse hits her?"

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