Interlude - Courtney

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Four months later...

I woke up in the middle of the night, starving. My stomach was rumbling loudly, complaining about its emptiness. I use the term emptiness loosely though. Only a few hours have passed since i had dinner that consisted of enough food to feed your regular family and then some. My family was hardly a regular one though and I was no exception. The bed underneath me creaked as I shifted my soft body in an attempt to get up. It was becoming more and more challenging lately, but that was no surprise considering the fact that the big five hundred seemed to get closer with every passing day. With another year of university behind me, I was back at home, spending the summer with my parents. And, quite importantly, back to my mother's cooking. While I missed mom's cooking dearly it certainly doesn't mean that I didn't use my unlimited meal plan in uni's cafeteria to the full.

Lately I've been waking up starving almost every night, no matter how much I ate during the day. Luckily for me there was a pizza delivery close by that worked nonstop. I reached for my phone that lied on a nightstand, my arm pushing against the soft flesh of my breast. It was getting more and more difficult to function without my boobs getting in the way, but that was hardly a surprise due to their extraordinary size. I mean how many women can say that they are larger around their chest than they are tall? Despite all the struggle and back pain they were causing me, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. It wasn't difficult to feel overlooked as the youngest in a family and so I was glad I had something that made me stand out.

Thinking about my boobs I noticed I was spilling heavily over the cups of my custom tailored bra. Oh great... That's my largest one! I thought bitterly. It was always sad to see a piece of garment getting closer to the end of its usefulness. It was even sadder when the before mentioned garment lasted only for two weeks.

I yawned before dialing the pizza place. I had it on a speed dial, so I guess it would be fair to admit, I was a frequent customer.

"Hello, I'd like to... Oh, hey Travis. Another night shift, huh? Yeah, I'll have the usual." My stomach emitted a loud growl. "Uhm, you know what? Make it the usual plus one extra-large pepperoni. Thanks. See you in a bit. Text me when you get here."

I got up from my bed. The rude piece of furniture let out a sigh of relief when I placed my weight onto my feet. "Oh, shut up! I'm not that heavy."

I put on my night robe that fit me maybe a year ago. Now I was only just able to fasten it beneath my massive tits. This however meant it was never going to cover my chest and it left deep canyon of cleavage out in the open for everyone to see. Travis is surely going to enjoy this. He always stares at my tits so intensely that his eyes seem like they're about to fall out... I can't really blame him for that though.

Not even five minutes passed since I made the call and my stomach felt like it was trying to digest itself, complaining with loud groans. This waiting is going to kill me! "Maybe there's something in the fridge..." I thought out loud. "It's worth checking anyway."

I wobbled my way into the kitchen as fast as my corpulent body allowed me. I quickly opened the fridge and started to go through its content. To get a proper look I had to lean forward, which meant that my breasts were pressed against the cold shelf inside. Shivers ran down my spine and I felt my nipples stiffen. I ignored the discomfort and focused on the search for food. Unfortunately I ended up disappointed. I mean, I knew it was mostly my fault there weren't any leftovers from previous days, but I still expected to find at least something worth it. A pack of cold sausages, even if it was a large pack, followed by a chunk of ham were hardly enough to appease my angry stomach. The pizza better should be here soon... Just when I thought of it, my phone lighted up with a new text massage. Like rampant animal I hurried to the door, leaving a mess in the kitchen behind me.

The pizza delivery guy, Travis, stared at me with his widened eyes. He was stumbling upon his words, when he was handing me four pizza boxes in one hand while he awkwardly tried to hide his erection with the other. But I was only barely able to comprehend what was happening, all I could think was food.

I was quivering with anticipation, swiftly making my way into the living room. I parked my sizeable derrière onto the new four seater sofa, taking more than a quarter of its space. My posterior may not have been my biggest asset, but I still inherited my mother's genes. Thinking about it, I surpassed her in this respect already as well.

The old couch that used to be here didn't survive Kelly's twenty-seventh birthday, because it collapsed almost immediately after she got up from it.

I let out a loud burp and sighed with satisfaction, before patting my swollen middle. For me it was a way more difficult task than it may have seemed. My bosom made sure of that. When seated down, my breasts rested in my lap, reaching almost all the way to my knees.

I looked at the empty boxes scattered around me and sighed. I'm getting out of control... I was turning 22 in three weeks, but I was already so fat. If I keep this up, I'll be soon fatter than Amber. And it's still years before the curse is actually supposed to hit! Unlike my sisters, I was always an irredeemable glutton and so I never really worried too much about the curse that ran in our family. I liked being fat. It just felt... right. Though I had to admit, seeing just how much the curse affected Kelly... Even I was beginning to worry.

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