Twenty-second birthday

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I stepped on a scale. "Five hundred point four pounds." The robotic voice announced blankly. The day of my twenty-second birthday was officially the day when I surpassed the five hundred mark. It also meant that I weighed more than both of my parents combined, but I chose not to think about that too much.

My bust, constricted in a too small bra, entered the living room, followed by the rest of me moments later. I let my heavy body fall upon the couch. It whimpered at the impact. The noise alerted my ever so caring mother of my arrival and she walked out of the kitchen with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning, honey. Happy birthday!" She rushed to me excitedly and planted a kiss on my forehead, leaning against my boobs in the process.

"Good morning." My stomach decided to join the conversation as it let out a thunderous growl.

"Oh my poor dear! You must be starving! What can I get you? Would you like some waffles or pancakes or on omelet? I could fry some bacon for you or maybe some sausages? There should also be a couple of croissants."

"Uhm... is all of the above an option?" I said with an innocent smile spreading across my face.

My breakfast lasted for hours and by the time it was finally finished, it was time for lunch. The day continued like this, the breaks from eating were rare, short and far between. I was enjoying my calm, lazy day filled with loads and loads of food. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... Uhm... I mean when my sisters arrived. By that time I was getting pretty... contended. Surprisingly I didn't feel full. I wasn't hungry either, just satisfied. Not that it would slow down the pace in which I was polishing mom's lovely burgers. I loved eating too much for that to happen any time soon.

Amber and Cheryl arrived at the same time, both heading straight into the living room.

"Oh look, it's Boobzilla!" said Amber, the slimmer of the two sisters, pointing her meaty arm in my direction.

"Hey Boobzilla." Cheryl mumbled with her mouth already occupied by munching a burger. Her gargantuan gut was trembling with every step she made, as she hurried to take her place on the couch.

"My god, Courtney!" Amber exclaimed. "What are they feeding you? You look huge!" She walked to me and sunk her hands into the soft mountains that were attached to my chest.

"Hey, stop it! I'm trying to eat here!" I complained loudly with my mouth full.

"Sis, honey, you're hardly wasting away." Amber said mockingly. "Seriously, you're almost as big as I am, although you're clearly carrying the pounds a bit more... upfront." Amber tried to emphasize her point by sliding her hand underneath my right boob in an attempt to lift it. My breast wobbled a bit, but that was the only result of her effort. "Oh my god! How can you even move around with those things?! How much do they weigh?"

I threw the remnant of a burger into my mouth and shrugged. Amber grinned before running off. Well, if you can call her slightly faster waddle running, that is.

Amber returned a few moments later with the scale from my room under her arm. "Drop your shirt!" She shouted enthusiastically. "It's time for a weight-in!"

"Are you crazy?! I'm not stripping down in here!"

"Oh, come on! Don't be shy!" Amber teased me. "It's only us girls in here. We all have seen tits before."

"Not this big though." Cheryl said joining in the conversation for the first time.

"Tits are still tits, size doesn't matter." Amber stated resolutely. "Oh, look how she blushes! Isn't she precious?" She giggled.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. I wasn't exactly sure how did the events of the day lead here and I wasn't comfortable with were it was heading.

"Come on, aren't you at least a bit curious?" Amber whispered into my ear like a little devil on my shoulder. I, of course, was immensely curious, wondering why it never occurred to me to try to weigh them myself. However I wasn't so big on doing it here, in front of my sisters.

"It's two on one here. And we know you're ticklish! Don't make it hard on yourself, little sister." Cheryl said while she was pulling the hem of my t-shirt upwards.

"Alright, alright! Geez!" I let out a frustrated sigh. "You guys are such bullies sometimes..."

Amber giggled. "Yes, we are. Now off with the shirt!"

I dropped the t-shirt on the couch revealing the inadequate brassier digging deeply into the smooth flesh of my bosom that was spilling out of the too small cups in every direction.

"Ooh, that looks painful." Amber said and before unclasping my bra with her surprisingly thin and nimble fingers.

I sighed in relief. Even without the bra, my breasts remained unbelievably full and round, drooping only slightly, achieving the shape of overfull tears. Freed from their prison they jiggled like jelly with my every breath. "You have no idea how long it takes me to fit into that blasted thing."

"'Fit' isn't exactly the word I would use..." Amber said with her eyes fixed to my chest.

Amber placed the scale on a coffee table. I looked down on my jugs, each wider than the scale in front of me. Sometimes it surprised even me just how huge my boobs actually were. I carefully lowered my right boob on the small target. "Eighty-nine point seven pounds." The robotic voice announced. And then... there was silence.

What?! Did I hear right? Can it really be so?

My train of thoughts was interrupted by Cheryl's scream. "Holy fuck!"

My left boob was even heavier at 'Ninety point five pounds' as announced by the scale. "Could they really weigh 180 pounds?" I asked dumbly and Amber burst into laughter. "What's so funny?"

"I just realized... Your tits are heavier than my boyfriend!"

Cheryl giggled as well. "Speaking of... How is Andrew anyway? You never take him anywhere."

"It's the same old story. He's either working or bitching about his job. What about you? Still haven't find the right victim?"

Cheryl sighed "You know how men are these days. They can't handle a proper woman." She said patting her massive middle that was overflowing her lap.

The family sat around the table. Seven chairs for four people. I sat on two chairs. I would probably still be able to more or less fit on a single chair, but I was worried it wouldn't handle my weight.

The biggest part of the table was taken by a giant cake with twenty-two candles on it.

With my dad on a business trip and with Kelly too big to travel, it did feel like something was missing. At least, I thought, there was more food for little greedy me.

The stream of food seemed endless and as the night progressed, my belly swelled larger and larger, pushing my breasts upwards, slowly obscuring my view more and more. I didn't know how much food I managed to cram into my gut only that even Cheryl gaped at me in awe.

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