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The family gathered to celebrate my birthday. I certainly wasn't your average sixteen year old, but that was only to be expected given how the rest of my family looked like.

Most people would say I'm fat, the doctor said I was morbidly obese when I was half my current weight, but I never really saw myself as fat. Sure, I have a belly that rests on my thighs when I sit down, but it is hardly my most eye catching feature. In fact you can't even see it when you look at me. My bosom makes sure of that. What can I say? I am my mother's daughter after all. I like to think of myself as of being curvy. I already mentioned my bosom and size wise my posterior isn't far behind. So you could say it reaches quite far behind me. There is a reason why I prefer to sit on two chairs these days... Some might say that I am too curvy, but personally I don't think there can be too much of a good thing. I mean, just look at my mom! So what if she is larger than the house she grew up in? Each of her breasts weights over four tons and she looks absolutely stunning! I hope that I'll be as big as she is one day. Bigger! There, I've said it! I love to eat. Even more than eating I love the effect it has on my body. To be honest I can't wait for the family curse to hit me! It must feel so incredible to grow larger and larger! But I'm getting off topic.

From the outside my parents' house seems to be huge, but since a good half of it is taken up by my mother, it really isn't as big as it looks. Now when the rest of the family has arrived there isn't much space left for anything else. The little room that is left is filled with what seems to be an insane amount of food, but I'm quite certain it won't be enough.

I am the youngest of the family, but I certainly am not the smallest. That title belongs to Alice, daughter of my aunt Amber. At about 200 pounds she isn't really skinny, but she does appear that way next to my aunts and mother. Or next to me for that matter. Despite being the younger one I outweigh her easily by more than three hundred pounds. These days I am closing the gap between me and my aunts quite rapidly. Well, two of them anyway. I am still no match for aunt Kelly.

I was eating with gusto, taking bites from burgers in each of my hand, eating my way to a food coma, to that blissful state where nothing in the world mattered. I wasn't a big eater. After all it only took me like four hours of constant eating to feel absolutely stuffed. I patted my bloated belly hidden underneath my boobs and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Can you imagine," aunt Kelly said between munches, "how big will Allison get when the curse hits her?"

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