Twenty-third birthday

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I was woken up by sunlight after a lengthy uninterrupted sleep. I wasn't used to waking up with the sun already high up in the sky. My constant hunger made sure of that. I'm not even hungry! That's weird. I thought to myself. To be perfectly honest I was hungry, it just wasn't that uncontrollable need to eat I was used to. The day of my twenty-third birthday was certainly off to a strange start.

I used the weight of my bust to roll out of the bed and got up onto my feet. Walking to my closet I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. I never spent too much time in front of a mirror and lately there wasn't much more to see in it other than my majestic bosom. It always shocked me just how large I actually looked. My boobs were already so big that when I walked they sometimes bumped into the ground. The way they were growing it wouldn't take long before I would have to drag them along the floor in order to move. I should get some sort of wheelbarrow or something... I reckoned shaking my head in disbelief, before moving towards the wardrobe.

It was weird to actually have time to choose what I was going to wear. Usually I simply put on the first piece of clothing I could find and fit into, wasting no time I could spent filling my gut. Scattering through the contents of the closet I was throwing over my shoulder clothes that were too small for me, creating a tall pile from it. The only thing that fit me well was a simple white t-shirt. It was so big it could probably serve as a tent for a family. Not mine family though...

I threw the clothes I intended to wear on my bed and started wobbly walk back to it. Once again something caught my eye. This time it was a new scale, one that I've never used before. Feeling only slight discomfort from my slowly waking stomach I was in no rush to go get my breakfast. "I might as well weigh myself..."

"You weigh eight hundred and sixty-five pounds." The scale announced in a clear female voice. "It is an ideal weight for a person..." The scale calculated for a few seconds. "Thirteen feet and ten inches tall."

"Oh, shut up you judgmental bitch!" I yelled at the scale, kicking it lightly. I let out a sigh. "I miss my old scale..." I didn't mind being fat, even though it was becoming more and more of a hassle as the time progressed, but sometimes... it just didn't feel so well to be reminded just how fat I was. My boobs were clearly the most obvious part, but the rest of me was getting huge as well. Let's say I didn't prefer sitting on three chairs just to spread my weight. I'm not even going to talk about my thighs, rubbing together so much that it was always just a matter of time before my pants had holes in them. Even my belly was protruding much more than it used to, trying to spill over the waistband of my pants more often than not. Although it wasn't too apparent, since it was hidden by my tits most of the time.

I didn't carry much of the weight on my face though. Sure, I had chubby cheeks and definite case of double chin, but in comparison with my body it seemed like nothing.

Fully clothed I slowly made my way to the kitchen, where my mom was already making lunch. "Happy birthday, honey!" Mom exclaimed when she saw me. She tried to give me hug but... hugs didn't really work with my physique.

Mom pushed a large tray to me, a tray overflowing with pancakes. "I made you these a while ago, I didn't expect you to stay in bed for so long."

My mouth watered and I couldn't wait to dig in. "I'll take care of them."

I planted my large buttocks on the couch in living room and began eating without hesitation. A myriad of flavors overcame my taste buds, sending me to heaven. I moaned in pleasure. Food simply didn't taste this good in months, no matter what I ate. The huge pile of pancakes was quickly diminishing and only few minutes later they were all gone, safely packed inside my slightly distended belly. I leaned back and let out a satisfied sigh. I felt great and for once, I had no need for eating more. Sitting there taking up half of the couch I found thoughts drifting, floating away from me. I thought of Brian even though I barely knew him.

The day was weird. It was my birthday, but it was only me and my mom and it was to stay that way. Amber was with her newborn daughter and Cheryl was stuck at work. Hopefully not literally stuck... From what I've heard, Kelly finally stopped gaining once she reached a full metric ton, forced to rely on other people more than ever. Dad was abroad for business matters and so it left me, mom, me and huge amount of food. Did I say me twice? It doesn't really matter. There was enough of me to count for two anyway...

I was absolutely stuffed. With no one else to partake in the feasting I had to take care of more food than I usually did. I was back to greed and gluttony, probably eating more than I ever did before. I simply had to compensate for the missing members of family, don't you think? Besides everything tasted so good again! My overfed gut extended further than my boobs, as a testament to just how much food I gobbled down.

I sat at a table alone, forced to stay there over night by my own overindulgence. Unable to deny myself of the pleasures of filling my gut, I was immobilized by its size.

The biggest part of the table was taken by my massive bosom. The table groaned under the weight, but it managed to withstand it. Too full to move, barely able to even breathe my mind was hazy and clouded. The only constantly returning thought was Brian. I sighed and thought to myself. I have a problem...

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