Chapter 1: Pending Darkness and New Stories

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." 

-Martin Luther King Jr.

As the fallen Asgardian prince laid in his bed, he couldn't help but gloomily wonder if he was doomed to only look upon these four white walls for eternity.

Was this all he was destined for?
To rot in a cell when his rightful place was the throne?

This is how Loki usually spent his mornings; at least he supposed it was morning. Whatever time of day it was, he usually spent it brooding and wallowing in self -pity, until he realized how little that would help him.

But this particular moring was different. No matter how hard he tried, he could not escape his melancholy state. He felt as if the color of the white walls were mocking him. Too bright in it's purity, not a single blemish to disturb its brilliance. After a certain amount of time, it would start to hurt for him to stare at it directly and he would close his eyes; but only for moment before he continues to glare.

It was that day that Loki finally realized what was the cause of his distain for the color. It was not due to the fact that he was to be encased by it until his last days, but beacuse it caused his soul, which was tainted by many evil acts, to ache at it's innocence and the remembrence of what he once was.

Innocence. He thought to himself. More like Ignorance.

He thought of the times that he was happy, his childhood before he knew what he truly was.

I was never truly happy. He frowned as he thought. It was all fake, and I was blinded by the ignorant thought that I was actually loved... that anyone cared.

Anger welled up inside his chest and he quickly stood up and threw one of his books at the nearest walls, screaming loudly while doing so. He fell back on his bed breathing heavy, his hands were shaking wildly and he closed them into fist to stop them, but instead of stopping it traveled up his arms. He realized that he could not contol it and he buried his head into his hands instead, slowly shaking his head.

Don't be so weak. He chastise himself. It had been a while since the last time he broke down. Don't let them win.

The last thing he wanted was having his father feel satisfied with himself because he finally broke him.

Loki sat up straight and sighed as he closed his eyes, breathing deeply and calming his mind.

I need something to distract me. His eyes opened and trailed to the mountain of books stacked messily in the corners by his bed. He didn't waste his time to get up and get one or try to find his place in the book that he had thrown across the small cell. He also knew that messing with the mind of the gaurd posted by his cell wouln't bring him amusement as it always had.

He knew what he needed... he knew what he wanted.

He felt helplessly alone in his cell and all he wanted was someone beside him, someone to stop the growing darkness he felt that was spreading through him like a disease.

A Painful thought came to him, and startled him all the same. He had realized that because of his current situation there was no way that he would ever have anyone to hold and to love.

The prince had not thought of love for years because he thought it was a lie, so he presumed the thougth was a mistake and an effect of his imprisonment. He cleared his thoughts trying to get away from anything related to love.

Yelling from across the prison hold reached his ears and Loki didn't flinch, nor was he curious as to why there was yelling for it had happened many times before. He knew that if he turned his head he would only see the crazed man huddled in the corner and screaming because the others had come too close. Loki hoped wholeheartedly that that wasn't his fate, to be slowly driven insane; but at the same time he knew how easily it could happen.

He felt a strange cooling burn on the skin of his arm, he pulled up his sleeve and almost yelled in surprise. It was hard to see at first, but after a few moments of analyzing the blue tint in his skin was noticable.

And it was growing darker.


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The sun was just starting to rise and many of the people were just awakening, stretching out their relaxed muscles and grumbling as they left the comfort of their beds. All except one, that is.

Frigga had been up well before anyone had even stirred and she was currently pacing in her study. Her footsteps didn't make a sound as she paced back and forth, the train of her dress trailing behind her gracefully as she went. Concern was evident on her creased brow and by the absorbed-in-thought look that she held in her eyes.

There was no surprise on what was causing this mother so much distress. She had seen the state of her son and the condition of his heart. He was broken and cold and she knew if she didn't do something fast, she would lose him completely to the darkness within him. Her visits had shown very little signs of improvment and she knew loki would need something far more better than weekly visits.

She thought back to the time when her children were young and she had told them, "Darkness cannot exist where there is light. You see, it is not that the darkness is stronger then the light... that is never the case. Darkness is merely the absent of light itself."

She knew that she needed to find a light that would drive away the darkness that was anchored in her son's heart.

But what can help him? Frigga thought for the hundredth time. How can I bring him from such a dark place to one that is in the light?

I just wanted to say thank you for all the feed back I recieved, It really inspired me! So please keep it going :) please share your thoughts! It often inspires me to update quickly.

And lastly don't forget to vote ; )

Thanks for reading,


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