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Jude Maxwell cursed himself for drinking too many cans of soda. Most of all he cursed his bladder for giving out only half way home.

He could always just piss on the side of street next to a graffiti wall. He's seen the guys do it all the time.

He valued himself with more dignity as he strolled pass the perfect wall to do his business.

He looked like a drunken fool as he crossed his legs walking down the dimly lit street.

The cold night air didn't help. As it brushed against his tan skin it only increased his chances of pissing himself in the middle of the street.

It always dawned on him why the cold always weakened his bladder. He would just shrug it off during winter and curse every time he went to the bathroom.

The dancing light on the head sign and the loud bass of music caught Jude's attention.

He's passed the bar a few times but never paid it any real attention to it. His friend --mostly the hormone ranging Carter-- would duel in his tales of this very club.

Jude recalled him saying that this was the spot if you wanted a one night stand or a quick one in the bathroom or backroom--or was it alley.

By the wrinkling of his nose and unsettling feeling he got from looking at the shameless couples --or not-- who ate away at each others face and eager to dive in a bliss of pleasure; Jude definitely didn't want to go inside.

His bladder was a different story. He could almost feel his underwear getting a drip of water works. 

He did his little dance as he pushed passed through the crowd of drunken people.

He was drowned in the smell of beer, sweat and sex. Avoiding contact with anyone that down a drink or looked at the bar where countless drinks are being poured.

Each second that past felt insufferable. Jude didn't understand how Carter could spend so much time in a place with people grinding on each other and getting high on whatever.

As Jude saw the restroom decorated in horrible hand writing of people who natural found it fun to display their art on bathroom walls and doors; he felt a hand grope his left butt cheek.

A gasp left his lips as two hands fondled his ass. He knew he had a great ass but now was the time to flaunt how well his ass fit in jeans.

"Get off me!" Jude hissed, sending his right elbow flying towards whoever was behind him.

Jude instinctively grabbed his balls and dashed towards the door that was slightly blocked by raging teenagers trying to get in some girls pants.

The busted door flung open and the smell of urine and other odours Jude didn't care to make out; all he knew was the the damn place smell rancid.

The stalls lived up to the doors and walls; broken stall doors and lopsided ones.

Jude pushed the door of one that looked decent enough. Which was really the only door that didn't look like it was about to fall off.

Behold; before Jude was two men. A black haired man who arched his head back from pleasure as he leaned himself back on the scornful bathroom wall.

On the floor was another man enjoying the taste of a very large erected member as he bobbed his head and moved his hand back and forth on his own aching erection.

Jude knew he should close the door but he stood there a minute least watching as the man duel in pleasure, yanking the other man hair keeping him in place.

The man gagged a few times but that didn't stop him as he took in the black haired man deeper.

Jude's hazel eyes met with oceanic blue ones; he almost pissed himself as the man smirked at him, not phased by being walked in while getting a blowjob.

Jude finally decided to lock the stall door, his face flushed as he ushered down to the lopsided one from before took a piss and ran out.

For someone who had just taken a leak, he staggered his way to the bar. Release never felt so good.

His destination was home but after that sight he could use a drink; a strong drink to vanquish the memory.

"I'll have a Navy Gorg" Jude said to the bartender.

He rested his hands on the counter, running both through his hair then sighing heavily.

He just wanted to take a piss and not walk on a guy enjoying his popsicle. Jude now knew that Carter wasn't making it up when he said they did anywhere at anytime.

This place was more of a sex spot than a bar. The only thing that made it believable was the bar Jude sat around.

The bartender returned with his drink, thanking him Jude felt a hand on his leg followed by a seductive voice in his ears, " I haven't seen you around here before"

Jude down a large gulp, removing the man hand and said, "First time" and would also be his last.

The man found the need to place his hand back on Jude's thigh, running it up and down almost touching his cock.

"I think that's enough" he heard a voice said. The man took up his hand from Jude's thigh and left. Disappointed he didn't get in his conquest pants.

Jude turned around to thank his saviour only to be met with oceanic blue eyes he saw a few minutes ago; a smirk he knew he wasn't going to forget.

Downing the rest of his drink in one go, Jude knew he should've just went home and settle for cheap beer instead.

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