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Nolan was all over Jude the moment he opened the door. He didn't wait for Jude to utter a word or step inside before crashing his lips onto his.

They both fumbled inside, Nolan using his foot to close the door behind him. This wasn't his plan for tonight.

He wanted to enjoy his time with Jude, slipping in a few kisses and touching here and there.

Nolan didn't want to look as if he was only interested in having sex with Jude. He admit his body was wonderful, wanting to know every inch, his sensitive spots and keep him all to himself.

Behind all that he enjoyed spending time with Jude. Having breakfast and chatting had proven to be comforting to him, he didn't know why he hasn't done it before.

Maybe because he didn't find anyone interesting as he did with Jude. Nolan has never once allowed someone the luxury of sleeping in his bed, making them breakfast in bed or having a hot, steamy shower with anyone.

It was all new. Nolan wondered what about Jude that had him coming back, why he can't control himself in his presence.

Nolan kissed Jude as if it was his last, pulling off his jacket as they stumbled backwards.

Nolan felt irritated, he wanted to just push Jude into the bed and fucked him senseless but he couldn't. These emotions were all the product of that guy.

The same guy he saw at the club and seeing him again with Jude ignited some sort of fire inside of him.

He pulled the waist of Jude's pants making it drop to his knees, showing the effect Nolan had on him.

Nolan didn't waste time to kiss the precious boy before him, trailing kissings down his neck.

Jude wrapped his legs around Nolan, telling him how desperate he also wanted him.

This only made Nolan's senses go wild, he didn't have the time to carry Jude up the stairs to his bedroom as the had a war with pleasure.

Jude felt his back hit the cold of the wall, not caring he started taking Nolan's pants off, not breaking the kiss.

Jude was already naked, pressed against the wall as Nolan hands teased his erected member.

"What's gotten into you?" Jude said between breaths, as Nolan turned him around and pushed him against the wall.

Jude could feel Nolan's hard and long member on his ass as he kissed the back of his neck.

"I'm just having what's mine" Nolan said, possessiveness dripping from each word. "I've never met anyone who riles me up and turns me on as much as you do"

"And you won't meet anyone like me ever again" Jude smirked.

"Holy dick and Tom" a voice screeched from behind them.

Nolan turned around along with Jude to see a black haired girl covering her eyes. Both men still pressed against each other. 


Jude could think of better ways to meet someone and being stark naked and almost getting fucked against the wall wasn't one of them.

Jude was still embarrassed, his face in his palm as the girl from before sat on the opposite couch.

Jude was fully clothed now but the scene couldn't be undone. Nolan sat next to Jude his composed demeanour not breaking.

Jude wanted to bury himself in a ditch, vanish from existence; this was by far the most embarrassing thing to happen in his life.

"So..." The girl said, still startled by the scene before. "Whose this?" She pointed at Jude.

"Why are you here" Nolan said, pissed off at whoever this girl was that ruined their moment.

"I was in town and wanted to visit" she replied, not bothered by the fact that Nolan was pissed.

Here was Jude in the center, still embarrasses out of his mind.

"Are you going to introduce me or not" she added.

Only then did Jude raised his head and met with pale blue eyes and a smile that screamed curiosity.

"I'm Jude" he croaked out, looking at the half naked Nolan that didn't find a need to put on a shirt.

"Jude" she repeated. "I'm Natalia" she looked at Nolan. "His sister"

Jude was not only shocked but more embarrassed. Having meet Nolan's sister in such away, he really wished the ground would just opened up and swallowed him.

"You don't normally bring your toys home" Natalia said when she realized none of them said anything.

"Who said anything about a toy" Nolan said, making Jude look at him with a smile. 

"And you expect me to believe that after what I saw"

"We were going to have sex which you ruined" Nolan snapped. "Do you want me to get into the details of how I was about to--"

"Nolan!" Jude said, blushing as he was about to tell his sister about what pleasurable things he was going to do to him.

There wasn't much point hiding now since she caught them red handed. Jude just didn't want to hear them, he wanted to feel it.

"I get it" his sister flashed her hair as black as Nolan's over her shoulder. "Jude" he looked at her, a concerned look on her face. "Be careful of my playboy brother here. He breaks hearts"

Jude smile vanished. He knew Nolan was a playboy but he wanted to enjoy the time with him until it ended.

It was hard to believe Nolan would go through all the trouble just to get something from Jude then leave him on the curb.

Jude didn't want to believe that but Nolan's silence made him worry. "I-" Jude didn't know what to say. "It was nice to meet you"

Jude spared Nolan a glance before leaving the two. Going up the stairs to gather his thoughts and maybe even going back to his apartment.

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