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Jude didn't think he would end up back at the very same house he left a night ago after getting drunk.

He didn't think he would see the sexy Nolan again especially at the club his best friend Carter bought him to.

Jude didn't expect for him to be holding hands with Nolan as he guided him up to his apartment.

Before he knew it he had nodded in reply to Nolan's request and was already at his apartment door before he knew it.

The night had turned out to be much different from what he expected. Jude was just going to remain on the sidelines until he was ready to go home.

When he felt Nolan hands around him and he whispered in his ears; Jude could tell that tonight wasn't going to be as monotone as he expected.

He found confidence he didn't knew he had as he grinded on Nolan's body. Jude could already feel himself getting too involved-- getting too attached.

Nolan was like a drug Jude couldn't resist, if he took one taste he knew there would be no point of return. Yet, here he was in his apartment taking the risk of getting addicted to the man called Nolan Cooper.

When all he wanted was just a one night stand and Jude's sweet mouth wrapped around his dick; at least that's what Jude thought.

"What do want first me, me or me" Nolan said, falling into the couch and smiling at Jude.

"How about none" Jude smirked, falling beside him in the couch.

"Resisting doesn't get you anywhere" Nolan said, brushing his hand against Jude's cheek.

"Who says I'm resisting" Jude shrugged, his knees brushing against Nolan's.

Nolan gave a hearty laugh making Jude turn to look at his well structured face. "You really are different Jude"

Jude watched as Nolan ran his hand through his dark hair, licking his lips and sporting a playful smile.

"You're just finding it hard to get in my pants" Jude said, regretting the words as soon they left his lips.

Nolan turned to look at him, his oceanic blue eyes boring holes in the side of Jude's face.

"Admittedly yes" Nolan replied. "But for now I just want to kiss you"

Nolan turned Jude's face in his direction, licking his lips yet again and brushing his thumb over Jude's bottom lip.

Jude stared at Nolan's lips wondering if he should let him have at least a kiss from him. Just a simple one nothing more.

Jude also wanted to know what it felt like to kiss the older man before he knew it he said, "I don't see why not"

Nolan smirked before pressing his lips against Jude's. He didn't expect a innocent and teasing kiss. He also didn't expect for it to be fiery and passionate.

Nolan hands held Jude's head in place, devouring every inch of his mouth, loving the sound of soft moans that escaped Jude's lips.

Jude had gotten a taste and he knew he couldn't turn back now. Only breaking away for a second to catch their breaths only to dive straight back into a longing kiss.

Jude's hands did the unthinkable, roaming Nolan's body, satisfying himself with touching his sexy body.

Jude didn't know what was happening, he was too lost in the kiss that he was now straddling on Nolan's lap.

Nolan's erected member pressing against his as Jude body instinctively grind against it.

"I thought this was just a simple kiss" Jude said between kisses.

"I thought so too" Nolan replied, catching his breath before pressing back his lips onto Jude's.

Nolan fumbled with Jude's belt, wanting to pull it off and expose his aching member trapped in his pants.

Jude was doing the same, undoing Nolan's pants. He was so lost he didn't care if this was going to be a one night stand. He wanted Nolan and he wanted him now. 

Successfully getting his belt off, exposing Jude's erected member, dripping with pre cum.

Nolan admired the sight, touching the tip of Jude's making him twitch. Jude didn't hesitate to reveal Nolan's.

It was fully out and not deep in someone's throat. Nolan wrapped his hands around Jude's, thrusting his hands up and down, making Jude arch his back in pleasure.

Nolan trailed kisses down Jude's chest, licking his nipples while his hands worked.

Jude lifted Nolan's head, wanting to kiss his already swollen lips. Their members now pressed against each other, Nolan working his hands on both.

Jude had never felt anything so blissful, how a right hand held so much pleasure. The slickly feeling as his own slid against Nolan's

He couldn't hold back his moans, "N-Nolan....I'm going to.....I'm going to cum"

The creamy fluid landed on Nolan's chest. Jude panting as Nolan worked his last thrust and released.

Both panting as Jude rested his forehead on Nolan's shoulder.  

"That was..." Nolan said between breaths. "We should should kiss more often"


Jude woke up in the arms of Nolan. The scent of lavender very pleasing. His body nested beside Nolan's as he laid in his arms, more comfortable than anything he could imagine.

The sun peaked through the window, bathing Nolan in its glory. Jude couldn't think of a better sight as he traced his finger on Nolan's chest.

"Morning" he heard Nolan muttered, yawning then tossing his other hand over Jude's body. "I hope you weren't planning on running off"

"I won't" Jude said, smiling at how clingy Nolan was. His muscled arms bracing him. "As long as you make me breakfast in bed"

Nolan chuckled, kissing Jude on the forehead, "In return you stay the day with me"

Jude felt his heart do a flip. "Half the day" he teased.

Nolan kept quiet, making Jude think he had said something wrong. He wanted to spend the time with Nolan but he also didn't want to get attached any further.

Nolan got up, looking in Jude's eyes and smiled, "Fine but I want to see you tonight"

"Deal" Jude muttered, his cheeks flushed at the sight of a morning Nolan.

Nolan gave him a quick kiss in the lips before leaving the room.

Maybe, just maybe it's more than just a one night stand.

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