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Jude had always woken up in an empty bed but today when he did he felt a wave of loneliness crashed onto him.

Nolan didn't return to the room that night, Jude thought he just slept on the couch leaving the large bed that smelled like lavender all to himself.

Before falling into a deep slumber Jude wondered where Nolan wanted to take him. There was plenty of places that were not far from here. It could be anywhere.

The doors opened making Jude raised himself from the bed. Nolan walked in with paint all over himself.

"Glad your up" he said, smiling like a fool. "Could you come here for a minute"

Jude raised a brow before walking towards him. Nolan led him out the room and down the stairs then down a smaller stairs behind a door.

The room looked like basement except it wasn't. The room smelled like nothing but paint. Jude noticed covered canvases across the room, paint that escaped onto the wall.

"I don't bring people in here" Nolan said, walking over to a rather large empty canvas in the middle of the room"

"Is that suppose to make me feel special" Jude said, lifting the covers off a painting.

Again he didn't know what to make of it just colours on something blank. Jude felt sad as he looked at the array of colours.

As he moved along he felt different emotions as he uncovered each painting.

"That's because you are" Nolan informed him, pulling a few paint onto the white cloth that settled onto the floor.

"You paint?" Jude asked, not giving into Nolan and his wooing.

"I used to" Nolan replied, busy doing whatever he was behind Jude.

"I didn't know that"

"How could you" Nolan pointed out. "We know nothing of each other"

He was right; Jude didn't know a red cent about Nolan. He only knew he had a sister. They kept moving up and down in whatever you would call this relationship but missed the crucial point of getting to know each other.

"That's what we're doing today" Nolan turned to look at him, a smile dancing on his lips. "Getting to know each other"

"How is painting going to help us to know each other" Jude crossed his arms over his chest.

"That doesn't start yet" Nolan gestured for Jude to come towards him. "For now I want to create a painting with you"

"I'm not going to be of much help" Jude said, he was never good in the creative process of anything.

"I don't mind" Nolan said, taking of his clothes. "You should take those off too"

"Do you normally paint naked" Jude chuckled but complied with taking of his clothes.

Nolan only laughed, pulling Jude close and dipping his hand in yellow paint before gliding it across the canvas.

Jude tried not to focus on his body pressed against Nolan's. He continued to put Jude's hands in different coloured paints, creating something he knew nothing of.

Jude felt Nolan nibbling on his ears, he jolted feeling a rush of sensation down below. "Sensitive spot" Nolan chuckled, nibbling back on Jude's ears.

"Stop that" Jude tried to hold back the sounds that left his mouth. Nolan didn't listen, now trailing kisses on Jude's neck.

Nolan released his hand from Jude's, rubbing his painted hands over his chest. Jude bit the inside of his lips, turning to look at Nolan with lustful eyes.

"I thought we were painting" he said, putting his hands in as red paint and rubbing it on Nolan's abs. 

"We are" Nolan took up paint on both his hands, bringing Jude in his embrace, paint covering his back and sides.

Jude cupped Nolan's cheek before kissing him, stumbling back a bit on the canvas.

The kiss now was different from the rest. It was fiery and passionate as before but something else was there.

They only pulled apart for a brief moment to catch their breaths and duel in more paint. The canvas was covered in different colours, Jude's body like a paint brush as he glided paint across it with every passionate move him and Nolan made.

Jude was starting to thing maybe he was special. Getting to experience something like this was unimaginable.


The canvas that was painted with their desires were long forgotten in the small room downstairs.

It was getting harder to just kiss each other when their erection screamed otherwise. Both Jude and Nolan stumbled in the shower.

Fighting to dominate the other, water trickled down their bodies, washing away the paint that enveloped them.

Kissing and rubbing against each other Jude couldn't take such gentle things anymore, "I- I need you Nolan"

The words caved Nolan in as he bent Jude over, his member running against his ass. Nolan took his fingers and explored Jude's ass.

Jude was startled by the sudden pain but as Nolan worked his way in stretching his hole he knew he needed something more larger, something that could give him the pleasure he desired. "P-Put it in"

Jude didn't have to ask twice before Nolan removed his three fingers and gave Jude the thing he longed for. Thrusting deep into his insides making Jude cry from pleasure.

Nolan had sex with many people before but Jude made him reach a new level of excitement as he pushed him up against the tiled bathroom wall.

Thrusting in and out as his hands worked on Jude's member. Each thrust made Jude wanting more after more, feeling Nolan inside him was the best possible feeling.

It was worth the wait to experience such a pleasurable moment.


"Did I overdo it" Nolan asked as he snuggled next to Jude.

He was aching all over, barely able to lift a leg after doing it so many times in the bathroom then twice in the bedroom. It was their long awaited sex after all.

"No" Jude replied, enjoying the embrace of Nolan. "I enjoyed every moment of it so it was worth the pain"

Nolan kissed his forehead. "glad you did"

Jude traced a hickey he managed to give Nolan along with a few others. "Where did you plan on taking me"

They had to cancel the plan since Jude had overworked himself. "I was bringing you to get to know me. We could just do it another time"

Jude gave a small smile. "What are we" he gestured between the two of them. "What do we call this?"

"I believe this is what we call the beginning of our ever lasting relationship" Nolan replied before kissing Jude on the lips.

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