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Nolan cooper, the infamous Playboy and one night stander.

The dark haired man sat at the bar with his drink in hand; bored even when his hit for the night kept kissing him all over and impatient to leave to get a taste of Nolan Cooper.

Nolan could care less about the boy, his eyes kept on the crowd of party goers looking for him. Familiar hazel eyes and brunette hair; Nolan wanted to see him again.

He had to know who it was. When he barged into the bathroom stall that night, Nolan wasn't phased in the least.

It was just right he knew the name --and every inch of his body-- of the cute, flushed boy that made him cum upon sight.

As Nolan ran his hand through his dark hair, annoyed by the boy whose hands kept wondering to his prize possession. 

He couldn't help but think how such a thing was possible. He's known how to last long enough to enjoy the journey of pleasure but as the man whose name he forgot sucked on every inch of him he was bound to run him off since he wasn't very pleasing.

When Jude opened that bathroom stall, Nolan was rushed with a new level of pleasure as he released in the man mouth.

It was only right Nolan got a name at least or even more. Taking home the drunken man was his next mistake.

Every inch of him burned with pleasure when he touched Jude's body. Nolan wanted to ravish him on the spot but he wasn't a vile man.

He could only imagine Jude drowning in pleasure, moans that escape his sexy lips as he cowered beneath Nolan begging him for more.

The only thing he settled for was a hickey on the younger man neck; no harm in that.

Just thinking about Jude's body has Nolan urging for him right now. He didn't know if he could meet him again but if he did he wanted to enjoy every second of him.

"This isn't going to work" Nolan said to the boy, not hiding the irritation in his tone.

The boy scowled as he leaned away from Nolan as he'd wasted time when he could've hit on another guy and already getting fucked out of his senses.

"That's a first" the bartender said, a friend of Nolan's mostly because this was his usual pick up spot and would sometime get a drink and chat  before finding his next prey. "I thought he was your type"

Nolan placed his glass down an turned on his barstool. The bartender had low cut black hair, dressed in his black and white attire as he cleaned a glass.

"I'm aiming higher tonight" Nolan replied and by higher he meant the boy who he's oddly longing for.

It was strange; Nolan never stuck with a guy for more than one night or even be on the lookout. He's never bought anyone at his house no matter how drunk his partner for the night was.

Staying in a hotel or going back to their place only to leave before the sun even rises.

"Again this is new" Sam, the bartender repeated. "You're usual out of here already"

"Tonight is just filled with desperate guys" Nolan said, turning back to face the crowd.

"Isn't desperate your type" Sam recalled. "Something about the more desperate they are the more they want you and are easiest to get" Sam furrowed his brow, not entirely sure if that was Nolan's exact words.

Nolan ran his hand through his black hair yet again when his eyes met a familiar brunette. He was talking with guy that casually slung his arms over his shoulders as they spoke.

Nolan find it even more urgent to walk over to what's his before he gets snatched away.

Jude was dressed in simply black jeans and a white shirt that buttoned up to his neck, leaving a few buttons down to reveal his chest and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

Nolan watched as the other guy said something to Jude patting him on the chest before walking off.

Nolan was already halfway through the crowd heading in Jude's direction. The boy stood awkwardly amongst the crowd.

Nolan grabbed him from behind, feeling the familiar tingling sensation before he whispered on his ears, "A cute guy shouldn't stand around in a crowd like this by himself"

Jude immediately recognized the voice, trying to pry Nolan's hands from his waist. "Are you stalking me?" He stopped when he realized Nolan wasn't going to let go of him anytime soon. Why would he?

Nolan noticed the excitement in his voice, smiling before saying, "I just keep an eye on the things I want"

"So you could let them give you a blowjob then leave" Jude half joked.

Nolan chuckled, "Trust me I'd have you on your hands and knees licking me off if I wanted you to" Running his hands under Jude's shirt in the process 

Jude arched his head to side, trying to get a glimpse of the seductive man. "What's stopping you?" He asked.

"I want to savour your sweetness. You're different from the rest" Nolan admitted, his lips running over Jude's neck.

"Don't leave another hickey" Jude informed him.

Nolan let out another chuckle, something that Jude smiled to whenever he heard the sound.

"You finally realized"

Jude felt the warmth of Nolan's tongue against his neck, he knew he was making another one.

Jude bit the inside if his lip as the stubborn man gave him another hickey. "Not a listener are you" Jude muttered.

He didn't earn a reply only the sharp pain of Nolan's teeth in his flesh. "Ouch!" Jude hissed from pain. "What are you doing?"

"Keeping the strays away" Nolan whispered in his ears.

Jude didn't know what to say, here he was being marked like a alpha marking his mate.

The beat of the music travel to Jude's ear, he was so wrapped up with Nolan he forgot he was standing in a club.

Nolan didn't move an inch away from him. Securing Jude tightly as if to keep him to himself. "You can dance can't you" Nolan said, his breath on Jude's neck sending shivers down his spine.

Jude didn't dance, he was a wall flower most of the time but as the beat courses through his veins, he couldn't help but move his hips against Nolan.

He could feel evey inch of his member against his butt as hr danced but that didn't stop him.

Jude danced as if he had danced plentiful in his life before, grinding against Nolan who enjoyed every moment of Jude's body against his.

He spun around to face ocean blue eyes that stared into his hazel ones. A playful smile forming on Nolan's lip before he said, "We should take this back to my place"

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