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There's a painting in Nolan's bedroom. One Jude didn't notice before.

He didn't understand art, the strokes of red, black and grey a few other colours such blue or green was embedded into one.

As he stood before it he didn't know what it meant and he didn't want to. Just looking at it and trying to decipher what the artist was trying to persuade distracted him.

It distracted him from how much more he got attached to Nolan. At this point he wouldn't want to leave his side, leave his apartment.

Jude knew he had to leave before he got burn. Before Nolan uttered the words saying whatever this was was over or painfully ending it by bringing another guy over.

Jude stood in his bedroom, watching the door as he waited for Nolan to walk in. He couldn't leave, he's sunken to the point that he didn't care if he got burnt.

Nolan has plenty more option, plenty of guys or girls who wanted for him to take them on a ride of pleasures.

Jude looked at the hickeys sprawled across his body. They were uncountable yet he could count the ones he left on Nolan because there was none.

He wondered how Carter did it, pick up someone at the bar or club without getting attached. Jude was the opposite the moment he spent memorable time with someone he sticks to them like glue.

He's so stuck to Nolan that he can't pull himself apart without bleeding. It was more than just the sexual moments they had.

The way every time Nolan touches him he was like a spark of fire, a flow electricity through his veins.

The kisses felt like heaven and that morning when he was cuddle up next to Nolan and talked about anything they could, kissing and just bring in each others presence.

All of that made Jude not know what to call their relationship. The door opened revealing Nolan, smiling at Jude before walking over to him.

"What are you doing?" Nolan asked, wrapping his arms around Jude.

"Is your sister gone?" Jude said, wanting to pull away but couldn't.

"Yeah" Nolan said simply. "We can continue with what we were doing" he kissed Jude on the neck.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Jude said half heartily, mustering up the strength to push out of Nolan's embrace.

"Are you seriously listening to what my sister said" Nolan forced a laugh.

"Then tell me what else am I suppose to think" Jude yelled. "I met you in a disgusting bathroom stall getting your dick sucked off. Of course I'm going to believe her"

"It was a bar Jude its what people do" Nolan shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Then what about me" Jude said, his words lacking life. "Am I just another one of your conquest"

"I can't believe your listening to her" Nolan said, running a hand through his hair. "What about that guy your always with"

"What guy?" Jude said confused. "You mean Carter" Nolan shrugged, he didn't know the guys name he just knew he was too close to Jude for comfort. "He's just my friend and roommate"

"Roommate?" Nolan said not all too convinced.

"You don't get to question me when you avoid my questions" Jude said, his emotions taking a turn for the worst. "Am I just another one of your conquest" Jude repeated.

Nolan walked over to Jude, cupping his cheeks then said, "I don't waste my time on people and I sure as hell don't bring people into my house or life without a reason"

Jude didn't know what to make of his words, getting lost in his ocean coloured eyes. "If you were just a one night stand you wouldn't be here right now"

Nolan kissed Jude on his forehead before walking away. "Be up early tomorrow I want us to go somewhere" he said over his shoulders before closing the door behind him.

Jude sat on the bed, his heart racing and his stomach filled with butterflies.


Nolan didn't expect for his sister to come over at such a point. He didn't expect to see her at all anytime soon.

The one time she comes over she sparks nonsense into the mind of the guy Nolan was getting smitten with.

He hoped he had cleared his suspicions of him being a one night stand. Nolan didn't expect for the day to come when he would have someone he wanted all for himself.

He seems to be a sweet guy don't break him.

Nolan recalled his sisters words. That wasn't his intention. Nolan wasn't going to lie at first he thought he would just get a taste and that would be it. Now he didn't want Jude out of his grasp.

Nolan ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't have Jude running off because of his reputation.

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