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"You got fucked last night didn't you" Carter said, pouring himself his homemade smoothie.

"Why must you always say such things at the wrong time" Jude replied not taking his eyes off the game he was playing, his fingers moving rapidly on the controller. "And no I didn't get fucked last night"

Carter walked over with his green, non delicious smoothie. Saying it did the job of keeping his stamina up along with hitting the gym.

"You're not fooling me" He gulped down half the thing like it was the best thing he's tasted.

"Get that disgusting shit away from me" Jude nudged Carter away from him. "How can you drink that"

Carter pushed the half finished glass towards Jude's lips, giving him a taste of the green goodness he loved so much.

Jude launched himself back into the sofa, pressing his lips in a thin line to avoid any more entrance of the disgusting thing.

Carter retreated his glass, laughing at Jude who looked like a scared little boy locked in the corner of his closet.

"So did your virgin ass get fucked or not" Carter went back to the topic at hand, putting his smoothie on the coffee table then propping his legs on it in the process.

Carter was of a much bigger built that Jude. While he would hit the gym every weekend Jude saw the muscle building place when he felt like it which wasn't very often.

Carter had bleached blonde hair and black under cut-- his original hair colour. A style he thought was good choice.

Admittedly it looked good on him but Jude preferred him with his original hair colour.

"I didn't okay" Jude settled himself back into the sofa, groaning as he lost the game due to Carter.

Carter looked at him, not convinced by his words, smirking at him then said, "that's not what that hickey says"

Jude instinctively felt about on his neck, it wasn't like he could feel the hickey. "Where?"

Carter pointed to an area closest to his collar bone. "Are you screwing with me"

Jude didn't a see hickey before and there was no reason for one to be there. Nolan had told him they didn't do anything last night.

His body parts didn't ache and he wasn't even going to think of himself topping Nolan.

Carter took up his phone and snapped a picture to show Jude. There it was a huge red spot on Jude's neck.

He ran his hands over it. Could Nolan have left it there? If only Jude could remember the events of last night.

Nolan was evidently trying to get in Jude's pants, it was possibly he left it there to rile Jude up in a good way. 

"Just got bit by a mosquito" Jude said, shrugging in the process.

The mark was too big to pass on as mosquito bite; the mark having faint bluish purple specks.

"I wasn't born yesterday" Carter said. "I know a hickey when a see one"

Jude kept his silence; anymore and he might start spewing a load of crap.

All Jude knew was that he got drunk woke up in the house of a guy who loved his blow jobs.

Nothing else was clear and telling Carter where he was would just spark assumptions and him teasing him about it.

There's was nothing with Nolan; just a guy he happened to meet under awkward situations.

He didn't know why Nolan would want to see him again. Jude was just an amateur in the world of sex and pleasure.

He's had his fair share of relationships and pillow talk, nothing worth reminiscing over. As Carter said he might as well be a virgin at this point.

Nolan was just looking for a one night stand with the hard to get Jude. 

"Obviously you don't" Jude pointed to his neck. "Because this isn't a hickey"

"Then I'll ask where were you last night" Carter took up his smoothie, drinking the rest in one full go, wiping away the mustache it formed atop his lips.

"Out with my friends" Jude took up back the controller ready to start his game back and hopefully dodging every other question.

"What friends?" Carter laughed. "You mean that one dude who can't take alcohol so you drink coke with him on Fridays"

"Yes" Jude replied. Devin-- his coke drinking friend-- wasn't as bad as Carter made him out to be.

Devin had a low tolerance for alcohol so he stayed away from it. Jude didn't drink as often as Carter did but he enjoy his alcoholic drink every now and then.

"You don't even spend three hours with him better yet a who night" Carter pointed out, still laughing at Devin and Jude's relationship.

"Are you done" Jude was annoyed at Carter's constant laughing.

"Fine" he threw his hands up in defense. "Anyways I need you to be my wing man tonight"

"No" Jude said flatly. After what he just did he expected Jude to play the wingman.

"You're not doing anything tonight"

"I'm going to drink coke with my friend" Jude said.

Carter got up and went into the kitchen with his empty glass of smoothie.

On his way back to his own room he yelled over his shoulders,"Be ready by eight"

Jude rolled his eyes; there was no benefit in him being Carter's wing man.

Carter would just get drunk and end up in someone bed leaving Jude all by himself at whatever club or party he decides on going.

He knew because its happened more than once. Like a wall flower he stands there for half the night only drinking punch then driving home only having wasted his time and not knowing where Carter is.

He usually ends up texting him in the morning about how big a point he's scored.

Jude's hands subconsciously went to the hickey on his neck, maybe he'll go after all.

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