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When woken up in another person's house with a head pounding headache that felt like a hammer knocking against your skull; the first think you think to do was find out what happened.

The tale told if remembered by your drunken partner in crime would tell were you stand; why you ended up sleeping in a strangers bed.

For Jude Maxwell who has never gotten drunk to the point of walking up in a strangers bed, panicked sending muffled screams into the pillow.

The next thing the inexperienced drunken fool did was run out the doors of the bedroom in his bare underwear and a death sentencing headache.

No clue where he was; leaving his phone, wallet and clothes behind; He couldn't even find the front door.

"Do you normally run around in your underwear" A familiar voice said.

Jude turned around to see the black haired man from the bar, the very same man he witnessed receiving a blow job.  

Jude looked down at his navy blue underwear as if he didn't know he was sporting it; showing off his long legs and chest that barely held a four pac.

Jude sprawled his hands over his chest, deciding whether to cover his crotch or bare chest, his face flush from embarrassment.

"No need to hide" he said behind his cup of coffee. "I like what I see"

Jude flushed even more if possible. "Can I borrow a shirt" he said sheepishly. "And a pants too"

The man he had yet to know his name placed his cup of coffee on the windowsill that opened into what looked to be a kitchen.

He took off his white T- shirt and tossing it to Jude which he clumsily caught.

Exposed to a well toned six pacs and a chest any man would be jealous of and having girls --and guys-- wanting to lick whip cream from.

Jude felt a sense of insecurity but couldn't help stare at him. The scent of lavender warped Jude's nostrils as he put on the shirt.

"I would give you my pants but I'm naked underneath" he said, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "I don't mind taking them off though" he winked.

"Please keep them on" Jude averted his gaze, his throat dry and his head still pounding.

"Aspirin and waters this way" he said, noticing Jude's discomfort. Jolting his head towards the kitchen.

Jude followed behind him, keeping a distance between them when in fact he was admiring the man back; the flexing of his muscles as he took sips from coffee.

His butt firmly fitted in those pants; Jude obviously had the better ass.

The kitchen was a white haven, besides the wooden cupboards and marbled counter everything else covered in white.

He handed Jude the aspirin and water; taking it immediately. Jude watched over his glass of water as the obviously older man leaned against the counter after placing his mug in the sink.

"How did I end up here?" Jude thought it was time to ask. The sooner he knew what and where he was the sooner he could go back to his shared apartment with Carter.

A nerve stricken smirk formed on his lips, "One too many drinks" he shrugged.

Jude remembered he order a drink after walking in on a blowjob and then taking a well needed leak. Nothing was clear after that.

"Could you be more clearer" Jude sat on the stool, looking at the older man as if asking if it was okay.

"Okay" he walked from his pervious position, taking a banana from the fruit bowl on the island. "You had too much to drink; guys hit on your cute ass left and right. It was only right I bought you home"

He peeled away the skin from the banana, putting it in his mouth in a seductive way, gliding his tongue around it before taking a bite.

Jude bit his bottom lip; the sight sending tingling sensation in places it shouldn't be sent to.

His eyes searched every inch of his body. From his oceanic blue eyes, full lips, tone body and finally setting on his nether regions.

His black pants low on his waist revealing black hair that trailed to his cock that Jude caught a glimpse of once.

"I didn't" Jude swallowed hard, his eyes rested on the older man sensitive spot. "By any chance did I give you blow job" Jude took a sip of his remaining water. "Or anything sexual"

The other man found the question interesting, walking over to the cute flustered boy.

He lifted Jude's chin, licking his lips before rubbing his thumb over Jude's bottom lips. "Sadly we didn't" his eyes trailing down Jude's exposed chest then looking back at his lips. "How good would it feel to have that sweet mouth of yours wrapped around my cock"

He then took Jude's hand placing it on the large candy he's been eyeing.

"That's all I need to know" Jude said, trying to sound calm when he was wailing on the insides.

The man let out a hearty laugh before backing away. "Can you at least tell me the name of my future blower"

Jude drank the last of his water in one go; this was too much for him to bare. "Jude" he finally said.

"They call me Nolan" he replied.

Jude got from his seat. "Then Nolan, I overdid my stay"

Nolan grabbed Jude be the arm before he walked pass. "Do I get to see you again"

"Let's see about that" Jude said, yanking his arm from Nolan's hold and walking off.

Only then did he allowed a smile to tug at the side of his lip.

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