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"Where have you been?" Carter asked the moment Jude walked into the apartment.

"What are you my mom" Jude rolled his eyes playfully, closing the door behind him.

"Your ass was getting fucked wasn't it" Carter yelled when he saw Jude.

He was sprawled on the couch eating from a bag of potato chips and watching TV.

"Why must someone getting fucked be the first thing you think about" Jude took off his jacket, going to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

Jude wasn't going to spill the beans with Carter at least not yet. What Jude and Nolan did last night was amazing.

Jude never thought just jerking off would have his mind spinning. Then waking up next to Nolan added to his already perfect mood.

Nolan had indeed make him breakfast in bed. Home made scrambled eggs, toast and a wedge of orange. Simple but Jude found it to be delicious. 

They made out for almost ten minutes after on the bed, smiling and teasing each other. They took it in the shower fondling each other some more.

Jude frowned at the fact Nolan didn't take things any further. Their time spent together was worthwhile and Jude wanted to live in those moments forever.

When he first saw Nolan he thought for sure he would have a rather nasty personality. Nolan was sweet and a whole package that Jude wanted.

"That smile is exactly why I think like that" Carter watched Jude from the couch.
Jude didn't realize he was smiling. He didn't realize anything these past two days. All his senses being lost when he's with Nolan.

Jude smile fell when he wondered how many other men or even women Nolan had wheeled in with his charm.

That guy he saw in the bathroom that night wasn't the first and Jude wasn't going to be the last.

"And those hickeys that keep getting more and more" Carter said, pulling Jude from his thoughts. A smug look plastered on his face.

Jude wasn't going deny them now. Nolan had added a few more last night and this morning. Leaving reminders of yesterday on every inch of Jude. 

"And what if I got more hickeys" Jude pulled his shirt away from his body, looking at the hickeys as if it was the first. "I don't question who you're sleeping with every night"

"Fine" Carter took a mouth full of chips in his mouth. "I'm just glad my virgin best friend is finally getting some action"


Jude and Carter walked the isle of the convenient store. Carter pushing the shopping cart as he eyed each items on the shelves.

Jude would rather be at home, preparing himself for tonight. He'd wonder why Nolan wanted him over tonight.

There's the possibility of them having dinner or engrossing in more sexual activities. Jude didn't know what he would prefer more: dinner or having Nolan explore his body some more.

"Chocolate milk" Carter squealed, putting up the container in the air then dropping it in the shopping cart.

There apartment was almost empty and two guys passing out on the couch due to hunger was not fun at all.

Jude could just leave the shopping up to Carter but he would just buy the food he eats and forget about Jude.

"This is why I don't leave the shopping to you" Jude took up a regular carton of milk. "You selfish bastard"

Carter gaped, "I am not"

Jude pushed him to the side as they continued down the isle. Picking up things they needed and mostly Carter criticizing other food he found tasted like crap and wondering how people ate those things.

As they continued along Jude saw Nolan standing in all his glory under the florescent lights.

The thing he hated was you don't notice people until after you've officially met them and become subconscious of them whenever they're near.   

Jude felt his cheeks burning as he turned to look at Carter then back at Nolan only to be met with familiar blue eyes and a smirk.

Jude spun on his feet and continued back down the isle. Why was he running away?

Carter grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him back, eyeing him with suspicion. "What's up with you"

Jude looked back at Nolan who was approaching them. He wanted to see Nolan but not under these circumstances.

"Jude" his voice was like honey, too sweet for Jude to handle.

"Nolan" Jude turned around, trying to hold back the smile that threatened to form on his lips.

"Didn't expect to see you back so quick" a smile danced on his lips, he turned to look at Carter then back at Jude.

"I'm just getting a few things" Jude said, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, feeling the burning gaze of Carter on him.

Seeing Nolan sparked something inside of him. Jude wanted to just dive in his arms and kiss him. Exactly why he didn't want to see him, not yet. 

"I'll leave you to it" he winked at Jude, sending a swarm of butterflies in his stomach.

He held Jude's hands for a brief moment before passing and said, "I'm looking forward to tonight" it was low enough only for Jude to hear.

Jude could almost feel his level of excitement rising when Carter said, "its him isn't it"

"Him who" Jude played the fool, walking along as if nothing happened.

"The one whose been giving you all those hickeys" Carter rushed to catch up to him. "The same guy you've been giving your ass to"

"I'm not giving my ass to anyone" Jude said, he wasn't for now.

"You sure as hell don't look like the type to date older guys" Carter said, tossing his arm over Jude's shoulder. "But I do say my friend that you've hit a jackpot"

Jude smiled, the only thing on his mind was for tonight. Anticipating it much like Nolan was.

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