Dämen Bane 2

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(Trigger Warning?)

"Dadddd." I whined to him as we walked around the room checking the demon hounds for any mutations or mistake copies. He shot a glare at me as he continued to pick up a small frail pup.

"What?" He asked sharply before handing the small dog to me. The pup was too nice and small to be used for anything really. Too bad it was a defect, it was too cute to be killed yet that didn't matter to Destrain. If it wasn't the biggest, toughest, most hostile demon hound, it was put to death and the next "generations" DNA changed.

"How is this helping me? I've" -I sharpened the word- "Already poisoned Sky as well as Red. After that I don't question they would be on guard for us or well me. Seeing as you did nothing while I was trying to carry this plan out." Destrain became immediately angered by this. He ripped the dog out of my hands and grabbed my wrists painfully.

"Nothing?" He screamed, watching as I poorly tried to pry his hands off my arms. "Not letting your sorry ass die is nothing?! Should I have left you there? Would you have rather I left you near dying when she was the cause of a whole kingdom as well as your parents die?" Dest snarled at me.

"No, father. I apologize. " I replied as he let go of his grip. Dest sighed before continuing.

"You were able to turn the poison from demon hounds into something else, right?" I nodded in reply. "It worked for a while but something happened and was able to overcome it. Correct?" I nodded again. "So, as far as i'm thinking then the stronger the actual hounds the better your poison would probably be." I went to find the smaller runt from earlier and found it hiding in the corner to avoid being seen.

"What do you want to do with this one?" I asked. Destrain thought for a moment before smiling.

"Either kill it or see if you can change it, I guess." He paused. "If you're up for the challenge." I flashed him a smile before scooping the dog up in my arms. The dog whimpered as I walked back over to Destrain as if knowing his cruel demeanor.

"Only need a bit of trust before I can but it wouldn't be hard." I told him. "Beyond that I think the two weaker boys in their group live a bit out there from them, somewhere around Ashton's kingdom." Dest folded his arms at the name of my brother, clearly on edge. I decided to continue before I received the story of how Ashton became a traitor again. "They shouldn't be too hard to infect. The oldest is couple of years younger than me I think while the others about 9. Neither can fight well."

"Sounds like you have it figured out then. Don't fail l-" Dest started but I cut him off.

"I know dad. Don't fail like your back stabbing traitor of a brother, and that stuff that I hear daily." I made quotation marks with my free hand. "I got to be the person Ashton couldn't be." Destrain smirked.

"What do you know, you actually do listen." He mused. If it had not been for the pup in my arms, who was now trying to hide his face in my shirt, I would have crossed my arms.

"Oh? You want to take that talk to some training where i'll beat you up?" I dared him which caused him to laugh.

"I sure hope all that talk can be backed up with your training."

"It is alright, i've been trained by you for ages. YOU should be worried, you get too predictable after some time." I went to put the small dog down but his brothers/sisters got a bit hostile to him and he started to shake from fear. "Yeah on second thought i'll put him somewhere else for now."

*time skip*

Finding James and Alex hadn't been to hard neither was altering the old poison. They went out daily to play hockey for some reason. After a few days of watching I felt that I had gained some of the upper hand on them. Occasionally the defective demon hound they had stolen comes around their place. It wouldn't be too hard to stop him.

"Are you done with getting information yet?" Dest asked. I nodded before picking up a small vial of dark red liquid.

"You think it's enough for the older one? The babies too small for any real noticeable changes to happen. Besides I think you've done plenty to that one. I'm not infecting anymore than the three to see how they will react and how the others would react to them. They're a good range of subjects, I think. An angel, a human and a demon too. You want to prep the dagger with it again?" I responded while holding out the poison to him. He smirked while taking it from me.

"I'm assuming you're gonna take a hound for the kid?" He questioned while doing as I asked.

"Mhm. If he gets too nervous or tries to get the others I'll have Ajax* for him." Dest nodded to agree with me.

"Alright go find him and I'll see you when you get back. Don't get caught." I only made a small whistle and waited as Ajax came bounding up to me. He was only of the few who chose me over Dest. Luckily enough, he was one of the better ones too.

"C'mon Ajax. It's time for some fun." I called before leading the way outside into the bright sunlight.

*Ajax is Jayden's own demon hound.

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