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Noah came into the room not long after. "Red, he's trying his best. She'll be okay."

"You sound sure." I said flatly.

"Just take care of yourself, she spent all that time trying to help you so just do that." He stood up from his chair and I did so as well. "I'm glad you're alright." He hugged me before walking out leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Alex's POV:
"Alex can we stop playing hide and seek now?" Kuro asked and I giggled coming out from his hiding spot. "Finally." He responded.

"You're getting tired Kuro? I never thought i'd see the day." Aerin called through a nearby doorway.

"We've been playing for hours!" He added dramatically earning a eye roll from Aerin.

"Alex, let's go steal some snacks from Ashton." She smiled holding out her hand to me.

"Isn't stealing bad?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Not if it's just snacks from Ashton." Kuro answered lazily already falling asleep in a corner.

"We could actually take some to Ashton and then it wouldn't be "stealing," just helping him empty out the kitchen." She laughed as we started to go find him. "I'll race you there?" She asked laughing.

"I'll win." I taunted, causing Aerin to laugh more.

"No you won't! On three. One...two." Aerin started but took off running early.

"No fair!" I yelled while running after her.

"Sorry can't hear you over the sound of winning!" She called barely looking back.

"Cheater!" I screamed before someone quickly pulled him around a corner.

"Did you miss me?" James asked holding his arms out to hug me.

"James!" I hugged him tightly.

"Aww it's good to see you too Alex. Has Aerin and Kuro been taking care of you?" I nodded excitedly. Before I could say any more Aerin was behind me.

"Aren't you glad I made you run?" She grinned at us as I stopped hugging him.

"How are the others?" James asked with a serious look I didn't understand.

"Red woke up yesterday without a antidote and Sky had been hiding but gave out yesterday and yeah..." She trailed off. "At least you're here. Speaking of which, how?" James shrugged before answering.

"Apparently Oscar found the antidote to mine, however mine alone."

"What?" I asked finally speaking up.

"When we were attacked I got hurt and had to sleep for awhile. But Reds brother helped me get better and now I'm here." James replied.

"Oh ok. Makes sense."

"Aerin where's Kuro? I need to talk to him?" James asked as she pointed back the way we came and I grabbed James' hand to show him. Nearing him, Kuro's ear pricked up to listen to us come.

"Kuro." James called him and he jumped up immediately.

"Your okay!" James only nodded.

"And Alex is as well thanks to you. I honestly don't know what to say." He stumbled over his words and I just laughed.

"You don't need to say anything then. I'm just glad I wasn't a few minutes later."

"H-hey where'd Aerin go?" James looked around to find she had left.

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