~1~ Fateful Meeting ~

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I held my breath as the footsteps grew closer, echoing in the hall outside the door. I kept my eyes closed, and my head bowed. I was curled up on the floor, the rough green carpet scratching my bare skin. My skirt had ridden up my thighs, but I was too frightened to fix it.

I was paralyzed with fear, my only movement being my shaking hands. I clenched my fists tightly to stop them from trembling, but it was no use.

"You can't keep hiding from me," my captor said from outside off the room I was currently hiding in, his voice dead serious, and also slightly muffled. "I don't like it when you hide. I want you to stay in your room, like I told you."

A tear slid down my cheek. If only I could go back in time and change everything. Then maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be happening right now. If only I hadn't gone to the café when I did, all those weeks ago, and maybe I could've avoided this. If only I hadn't gone over to him and asked for his number, like she wanted. If only I hadn't looked. Then maybe....

If only I had escaped when I still had the chance.

~ Three and a half weeks earlier ~

"Oh shut up, would you? It's not like I really did it," my best friend, Au Yoshikawa - I call her Sis - said as she took a long sip of her steaming hot chocolate-flavored latte.

I had always been partial to iced coffee, so that's what I currently held in my hands.

"But still," I argued. "Planning to prank one of the faculty members - the principal, no less...what were you thinking? Do you want to get suspended again?"

She snickered, waving it off with a slender hand. "I'm not going to get suspended again, chill your face. I told you, that was a one-time thing. Besides, I didn't do anything. All I did was talk about it," she said dismissively, as if that made it any better.

I knew that if I hadn't said anything, she would've done it. We had been best friends for as long as I could remember, and I knew her better than she knew herself.

"I'm going to keep an extra sharp eye on you from now on," I warned, my voice playfully threatening.

"I'm sure you will, goody-two-shoes. Hey, look over there! That boy is totally checking us out! Oh joy, how perfect, the one day I dress like a total slob."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Au, you look fine."

"Thanks, Takuji, but seriously, I'm wearing sweats," she said, obviously making fun of me. I gently elbowed her, and she nudged me back.

"Hey Sis," she said, looking over my shoulder. "He's still staring at us. You should check him out, he's super cute. I think he's your type, for real this time!"

"You always say that," I pointed out, but looked anyway, just to humor her.

She was right, he was pretty cute. Not the cutest guy I've ever seen, but still. He had a round face and wide blue eyes the color of the sky. He had a head full of curly blonde hair. His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and I realized I was staring.

I looked away, my face just as red as his had been. Au snickered.

"You're blushing, aren't you? See, I knew I would find someone that makes you get all flustered. You should go talk to him," she said, and I shook my head quickly.

She began to squeal excitedly.

"You need to, Sis! He's a totally adorable boy, who is totally crushing on you!"

"Just because you say 'totally' twenty times doesn't mean I'm going to talk to him," I said pointedly as I set down my coffee, though clearly it did, since I stood up and began to walk over to him.

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