~4~ Love Me Please

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"I made you pancakes!" Ryo greeted me the next morning with a wide smile and a plate full of steaming hot pancakes in his hands. He held them out to me, his cheeks flushing pink. "I made them just for you, Dolly. I hope you like them!" He giggled.

I didn't want his food. I didn't want anything to do with him. What sort of person locked their own sibling in a cage? It didn't make sense.

He pouted. "Come on, Dolly. Don't you want to try it?"

"Yeah...of course I do," I said softly. I didn't want to anger him. Who knows what he's like when he's mad? I for sure didn't want to find out.

He set the plate down on the table and pulled out a chair for me. "Here...sit down! I'll feed you!"

I obeyed, letting myself sink down into the plush cushion. This is far more comfortable than any chair I've ever sat on. The bed was nice, too, but I'd rather be back at home, with my rock-hard mattress and lumpy chair cushions. There, I don't have to deal with...him.

"Open up, Dolly!" He sang, holding up the form towards my lips. A piece of moist pancake was impaled on the end, dripping syrup onto the front of my shirt.

He looked down, then grinned.

"It's okay...you can shower once we're finished! Here, say ahhh...."

He lifted the food my lips, his blue eyes alright with fascination as I ate it. He stared at me like I was some kind of new creature he was examining for the first time. I managed to swallow down the chuck of pancake, despite the way I was inwardly panicking. Who knew what he would do to me if I stayed here much longer?

"Good Dolly. Aren't they good? I'll make you breakfast everyday, if you want me too! We'll be so happy, won't we? I promise, Dolly...I'll take good care of you...."

A grin slowly spread across his face.

"I won't ever let you leave."

I felt my heart jump into my throat. Why was this happening to me? A tear slid down my cheek. I thought he was sweet and funny; that's why I liked him. He was immature and playful, but still knew how to make me feel special.

But now he's different. He's scaring me.

His grin slowly melted into a look of concern. "Are you okay, Dolly? Why are you crying?" He set down the fork, and stretch out his hand towards me. I flinched back, and he pouted. "Are you scared of me? Is it because I hurt my brother? Don't worry, I'll never hurt you! I will always be gentle with my Dolly! She's fragile, isn't she?" He ran his fingertips over my lips, his eyes lifting up to mine. "Please...don't be scared. I'll your Teddy, aren't I?"

I shuddered as he brought his fingers down, to my throat.

"Please love me," he begged, looking at me pleadingly. "Please, Dolly."

He stood up, and grabbed my hand, which I knew meant he wanted me to follow him. I didn't really have any other choice, so I went with him to my room.

"Here," he said, opening my drawer. "Pick whatever you want, and then go get in the bath. You'll feel better once you're all clean. I'm going to feed Chojiro, okay? Be a good girl, and don't run away. If you do, I'll need to put a lock on your door!" He sang, and waved goodbye as he walked away, beaming like he was proud of himself.

I picked out a frilly white skirt and peach colored blouse with matching socks that went up to above my knees. Almost everything he had bought me was super girly and lacy. It was like he truly was trying to turn me into his own living doll.

I locked the bathroom door behind me, and stripped off my old clothing, which was wrinkled from being slept in. The blouse was now staining with syrup. I sighed, and tossed it to the floor. To think how excited I was to come here. Was that really only yesterday?

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