~2~ No Sharing~

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"Wait, please," I protested. "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

He stood above me, his hair covering his eyes and casting a shadow over his face. In his hands he held a pair of scissors. Sharp and dangerous scissors. Before now, I didn't think that scissors could do much damage, but then he cut me with them.

Now, I was terrified by just the sight of them.

"You don't get to hide from me, remember? I don't like playing hide and seek. You should stay in your room, where you belong." His voice was hollow, like some part of him was missing on the inside. Before, when we used to love each other, he always sounded so happy and full of life. What had happened to him? It scared me. He was going insane.

Maybe he already was insane.

He had to be, it only made sense. No one in their right mind would do what he did. No one would hurt an innocent girl like that.

I looked down at my arms, which held the reminders of how cruel he could be. Scars - still fresh - marked my once-smooth skin. He claimed it was a punishment for disobeying him. I think he likes to see me in pain. He's sick, insane.

"They'll heal," he said when he saw what I was looking at. "I didn't cut that deep. They'll scar, of course, but really...that's a good thing. Then, everyone that sees will know that you're mine."

I closed my eyes. "Please, don't do it again."

"You know I only did it because you disobeyed me. I gave you rules, and I told you what would happen when you broke them. It was all your doing. All of this...is your doing. You had a choice, and you chose me. You chose me over everything, and you can't take it back."

My fists were clenched so tightly in my lap that my fingernails cut into my palms, drawing beads of scarlet blood. "It's not my fault," I whispered hoarsely.

"You chose to talk to me. You chose to call me. You chose me."

No...it can't be my fault. It isn't.

I felt myself grow cold.

Maybe it was my fault.

~ Two weeks earlier ~

For the second time that week, we sat in our favorite booth at Saeki Café, both with our signature cup of coffee in our hands.

"So...." Au started, kicking her legs under the table. "Tell me about Ryo. What's he like? Is he like a chill boyfriend, or is he more of an uptight kind of guy? Hey, is he a fan of our favorite show? We could have a marathon together! I don't mind third wheeling."

I giggled, my face pink. "Well, for starters, he's really sweat. He calls me every night, and we talk for hours. He loves to listen to whatever I have to say, even if it's just me complaining about my homework. I guess you could say he's chill, but he's not like totally whatever about our relationship, if that makes sense. He has the cutest giggle, you need to hear it! Oh, and guess what?"

"Hmm?" She asked, leaning closer.

"He has the same favorite character in Attack on Titan as I do!" I squealed.

"Really? Did he cry when-"

"Don't bring up his death, it's still to painful to hear about!" I said dramatically, and we both started to laugh. Yeah, we were kind of geeky. We were those annoying fangirls that squealed about everything. I'm not ashamed, and neither is she.

Au suddenly stopped laughing, and her expression grew sober. "I have one more question, and it's kind of a serious one. Do you two plan on getting serious, or is he just a sort of fun-and-run kind of thing? Because we aren't in high school anymore. Don't you think it's time to at least start finding the right guy?"

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