~3~ The Deal~

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The memories of this day are hard to talk about, but I'll do my best.

At first, it was just another normal Saturday. I chilled around the house, made myself lunch, caught up on homework, and texted Au about random stuff.

By the time six rolled around, I was getting kind of nervous.

I had never really hung out at a boy's house before.

After trying on about twenty different outfits and redoing my hair a few times, I finally settled on a frilly, pale yellow skirt with a white blouse and a pair of black boots and a matching jacket. I put my hair in a loose braid, and slipped my cellphone into my pocket.

I took a few deep breaths, and walked out the door.

~ An hour or so later ~

"Seriously, this is the best take out ever," I said around a mouthful of noodles, and Ryo hummed in agreement, taking a bite of his own dinner. We were currently on his couch, both with an open box of food in our hands. The television was on, but neither of us were watching it. Whenever we were together, we talked. 

Tonight was no exception.

"So, where's your brother?" I asked after I swallowed down another bite.

"Chojiro?" He asked, glancing up from his meal. "He's busy tonight, why do you ask?" His sky blue eyes flashed darkly. "Would you rather be with him than me?"

"What? No, of course not! I just wanted to meet some of your family. It only makes sense, right? I mean, if we're dating...." I trailed off, my face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry, that sounded silly," I apologized.

"No, it's sweet," he insisted. "Of course you'd want to meet my family. If you'd like, I can introduce you to him." He gasped, clapping his hands together. "I can go get him! Wait here, Dolly. I'll be right back, okay? Don't leave!" He giggled excitedly, sounding just like a little kid on Christmas morning.

I smiled as I watched him run off. I wasn't sure what got him so excited, but whatever had resulted in this adorable display, I was thankful for it.

When he was gone, I took the time to admire his living room. It was fancy, much fancier than mine, and it was almost twice the size. The mahogany wood and thick green carpet gave it the look of the stereotypical rich man's house. The drapes that covered the large windows were the same color as the carpet, and the lampshades were all blood red, casting a reddish glow around the room, giving off a creepy vibe.

It made me feel a bit small.

"Okay, Dolly, I'm back! And guess what? You can meet my brother!" Ryo ran back into the living room, a huge grin on his face. He jumped on the couch next to me, and grabbed my wrist with his warm, soft hands. "Do you wanna meet him now?" He giggled, tugging on my sleeve. I couldn't help but smile back at his adorable face. I stood up, and followed him as he led me down a hallway, then up some stairs. His house was like a maze, and I quickly got turned around. Thank goodness I had Ryo to lead me around.

He stopped in front of a pair of doors, and flashed me his cute little smile. "Chojiro is in here. He's excited to meet you!"

"I'm excited to meet him too," I said, and he opened the door. 

I walked inside, and my blood went cold.

There, in the middle of the otherwise empty room, was a cage. Inside the cage was a boy, around the same age as Ryo, but his hair was light brown and not butter blonde. His eyes were the same blue color, though, and I knew without a doubt that they were twins. I'd know, even if Ryo hadn't already told me.

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