~6~ Make Your Choice~

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Was the ground really tilting, or was I imagining it? Everything was spinning. I felt my legs started to give way under me, and I had to lean against the table next to me to keep my balance. My hand met something sticky when I placed it on the rough wood, but I was too scared to look to see what it was.

Slowly, I tried to regain my composure.

I took a step back, my breath coming out in strangled gasps. This wasn't real. It couldn't be. My whole body was shaking, like I was on the verge of tears, but I was too shocked to cry. My best friend - one of my only friends - was dead.

Ryo. He did this, I know it.

I felt a new emotion. It wasn't fear, or sorrow. It was different. It burned inside of me, making my blood hot. It was rage.

"Aww, I'm sorry, Dolly," his voice came from behind me, and I spun around to see his silhouette, merely a few feet behind me. The overhead light had cast a shadow over his face, making him look less like an adorable boy and more like a serial killer. "I didn't mean for you to see this. It was supposed to be a surprise for later. I hadn't even finished! I was going to stuff her for you." His mad grin widened, stretching across his face.

"She was my friend," I whispered, my voice barely concealing my anger. "If your plan is to make me fall in love with you, killing her won't do anything to help your case. You make me sick. She was the nicest person I knew. She didn't deserve to die. You...you are nothing but a monster. I'll never love you."

In a heartbeat, his smile went from that of a gleeful, deranged boy to one of utter despair. "D-Dolly?" His voice broke. 

I clenched my fists, the urge to beat him into a pulp almost uncontrollable. "Don't call me that ever again. I hate you, and I always will."

"But you wanted to be with her instead of me, so I got rid of her! I just want you to love me as much as I love you!" Tears were streaming down his red face, dripping from his chin onto the dirty cement floor. "Please love me, Dolly!" He pleaded, looking up at me, so his sky blue eyes were revealed from under his curly blonde bangs. 

"Why did you do it?" I asked, ignoring his pleas. "Why on earth would you kill her?"

"I told you already...you loved her more than you loved me!"

"She was my friend," I spat. "What, can I not have friends anymore? You already control the rest of me life! What's wrong with me having one friend?" I took a shaky, ragged breath. "You're just a self, spoiled boy. I'm not your property, and I never will be! You're just sick!" I screamed, and grabbed the nearest item by my feet: a small gardening sickle. It was clean of blood, but I had no doubt that he had used it before. I tried not to imagine what he had done with it. I really didn't want to know.

He cocked his head to the side, his expression unreadable. "So now you want to kill me? Oh, silly Dolly...you won't hurt me." He held out his hand towards me, his palm facing upwards, like he was inviting me to give him the weapon. Like he was telling me to surrender to him.

"No," I whispered, my grip on the small weapon tightening. "I will hurt you. I'll get revenge for Au. If I were you, I'd run."

He stared at me for a minute, before his lips twitched in a small, amused grin, which turned into a laugh. Soon he was laughing to hard to stand, so he bent over, holding his stomach. I scowled, growing even angrier.

"What the heck is so funny?" I spat.

"You," he giggled, standing up on again. His eyes were alight with humor. "You're just so ridiculously cute, yet you think you're scary. Here, let me explain something to you." He took a step forward, so we were eye to eye. Or, we would be, if he was my height, but he was a couple inches shorter than me, so he had to look up at me. Even so, I still felt my confidence wither under his cool stare. "You don't scare me, Takuji," he said, all humor gone from his voice. "You are weak, and frightened. I can see it in your eyes. You've never hurt anyone in your life. You're a goody-two-shoes, and I know it." He grinned, arrogance clearly written on his face. "I, however, do know how to hurt someone. So why don't you just put the sickle down, and let me win? You'll lose either way. Just this way you won't get hurt."

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