~Bad Ending~ Hate~

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"It's simple, just tell me how you feel. Do you love me? Or do you hate me?"


I couldn't do it. Even though I feared for my life, I knew there was no point in acting. I'd never love him, and I never could. He murdered my best friend, one of the only people I cared about. I had nothing left to live for now that she was gone. If I died, it's not like anyone would miss me, anyway.

I took a deep breath, and looked him dead in the eyes.

There's no right answer to this question. Either way will end badly. This way is quicker, easier. Is it the right way, though? Or am I making a mistake?

"Ryo," I spat, my voice cool and steady, even though I was inwardly trembling. "I hate you. I could never love someone like you. I'd rather die than be with you. You're nothing but a monster, and you know it. Now let me go," I said defiantly.

His eyes widened. That clearly wasn't the answer he was expecting.

Then a look of sorrow crossed over his features, and he looked as if I had shattered his heart into a million tiny piece. His eyes began to water, and his fists clenched around the scissors he still held. "So you...hate me?" He asked, shaking from both rage and the tears pouring down his face. "You think I'm nothing but a monster? Even after everything I did for you...made you all the food you could ever want, bought you fancy dresses, gave you cuddles when you were sad...I even brought you your friend so you wouldn't be lonely. Are you sure you truly hate me? I gave you everything you ever wanted."

"No, you held me hostage, and you murdered my best friend. You tried to buy my affection, like it was something worth money. Am I really that cheap to you? Am I only worth a handful of hair clips in your eyes?" I scoffed. "You don't love me at all."

"Yes, I do!" He screamed, stomping his foot on the ground. Rarely did he get angry, and it honestly scared me a bit. I took a step back as he slowly raised his head. His usually bright blue eyes were now dark with anger. The tears were gone, but the sadness still remained. "I love you so much, I killed someone for you! I tied her up and cut her skin! Then I stabbed her in the chest. Over and over again...until she looked like Swiss cheese." His twisted smirk appeared on his face. It struck me as odd. How could someone so cute and innocent-looking make a face that sinister?

"Shut up," I said, my voice hoarse, and he giggled at my pathetic protest.

"It's true, though! I worked really hard on her! All I had left to do was to stuff her, and give her to you as a present. I know your birthday is coming up soon. I was going to purpose to you as well. Too bad you had to ruin everything."

He giggled once again. The next words he said made my blood go as cold as ice, and I immediately regretted my decision.

"Oh well," he said, giving me a small smile that would've been cute, if not for the insane look in his eyes. "At least we can have fun together one last time." He held up his scissors. "Come on, Dolly...let's go down to the basement...."

~ A few hours later, from Ryo's POV ~

"Dolly?" I asked softly, my head tilted to the side. Her body hung from the ceiling, like a limp stuffed animal without its stuffing. She had stopped crying a few minutes ago. "Are you already dead?" I asked, and she remained as silent as before.

I felt a stab of disappointment.

"But...we just started." I twirled my scissors around my finger, the droplets of blood flying off and landing on the stained floor. "I sort of hoped you would last longer. You looked beautiful while screaming in agony." I felt a smile tug on my lips. "You always looked beautiful. I know you're dead now, but hopefully you understand how I feel. I really do love you...even though you hate me."

I looked at the floor, now feeling sad. The cement was covered in dark patches - blood, from multiple different girls. The fresh spots were from her, and her friend. It was a disturbing work of art, one that had stained the entire floor.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, but if I didn't, you would leave me. Now, we can be together forever! All I need to do is to stuff you, and then I can keep you with my collection of dolls. You'll be the star of my collection, of course. The others were all just random pretty girls I found, but you...." I ran a hand over the silky smooth skin of her bare shoulder. Her dress was hanging off of her in tatters, yet she still looked like an angel. "You're special. I love you."

I pressed a soft kiss to her cold cheek. Her blue eyes were blank, and stared straight through me. She really was stunning. Her peach colored hair was in a loose braid decorated with mismatched flower clips, and her porcelain skin was now even more pale then usual, due to the lighting in here. She was breathtaking like this. She was strung up like a marionette, glowing like an angel.

The cuts on her skin couldn't mar her beauty. It only intensified it. Scarlet liquid ran down her ghostly pale skin, making paths down her arms, legs, and throat.

I giggled, and left one last lingering kiss on her cheek. She felt soft under my lips. I pulled away, and took a step back so I could admire my new piece of artwork from afar.

Another giggle escaped last my lips. I blew her a kiss, then grinned to myself.

"Sweet dreams, my Dolly."

Wow that was disturbing!

Did you make the right choice? Should you have lied about how you felt, and spent your life with him forever? Or was it worth being tortured to death?

Do you want to find out what would've happened if you said that you loved him? Read the 'good ending', which will be coming out soon!

1000+ words.

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