Night Flame: Chapter Two

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Four years had passed, and I had learned a lot about me, my powers, and my history. I knew about my mission, who to avoid, and how to defeat Demmonan.

The worst part of it all was that I had to do it alone.

Dane wasn’t allowed to help me. He said that this wasn’t his mission. His mission was to watch over me and the other six Nephilium. My mission was to defeat them. So although I was against it at first, I became a Demmonan killer. Sadly, my mind reading abilities never really helped me, and since there wasn’t anyone whose powers I could mimic, Dane had to teach me how to fight. I was fast on my feet, and my hits were accurate and powerful. It could be because I’m half angel; it could be because I’m a fighter.

Then Lucia came into the picture. I had kinda known her for a while. I mean, I knew of her. She was a loner girl who was always in and out of school. Dane told me to keep an eye on her. I didn’t ever understand why he would have such a deep interest in a human girl, but whenever I asked him, he wouldn’t answer me. He would tell me to listen to her thoughts and if anything was strange or off, to tell him. So I did.

She wasn’t anything special.

Or so I thought.

But one day, I overheard her thinking about her wings. Her wings. And I figured that maybe it was a dance term, or something she had to do for a class, until I dug deeper. Dane had taught me how to read—or in this case, think—between the lines. And I did. The realization had finally struck after a week or so.

Lucia was a Nephilium.

Of course, I told Dane about the situation, and he just nodded, smiling. The next day he handed me a note, telling me to discretely give it to her. I wasn’t allowed to open it or see what was inside, but he told me that we might have a visitor sometime soon.

Then Lucia became a part of Dane and my group. Dane had adopted her, and her ex-Demmonan friend, Nicky, to live with us. They accepted, of course, and ever since then, we’ve been fighting the Demmonan together. They live with us, we get along, and it’s a great thing really. I’m not alone anymore, and I have someone who I can relate to.

Until she fell in love with a human.

That’s when things just went downhill.

You see, I hated humans. They were disgusting savages who couldn’t care for anyone but themselves. And Lucia, an angel, falling for a human male. I mean in my eyes, it’s a little pathetic. I wasn’t the only one to think so either, Dane and Nicky both agreed. But she was too stubborn to listen. Even with the threat of becoming dust, Lucia was still madly in love with the guy. But what bothers me is that one day, she’ll confess to him, and be gone. And then I’ll be alone again.

So then Riley appeared out of nowhere. I never suspected her to be a Nephilium, either. Then again, I guess it’s kinda hard to suspect if someone’s an angel. But talk about cold. Seriously she was as cold as a freaking blizzard. Her gray eyes penetrated through your soul and she was so unsocial. She didn’t even talk to anyone, let alone Lucia and I. But eventually, I found out she was a Nephilium one night when Lucia and I were losing to the Demmonan. She came and saved our asses. And ever since then, she’s been a part of our group, too.

Then, not too long ago, we were at Lucia’s coming of age ceremony, when Grant, the leader of the Demmonan came and attacked us. Riley, Lucia, and I had all been separated and were being hunted down by the Demmonan. But in the end, we all found each other, and Lucia’s wings were edged in pink, her Nephilium color (mine is aqua, and Riley’s is green) and we knew she was visited by Mary, queen of heaven. So now, Lucia was officially a Nephilium and had to help us kill all the Demmonan no matter what.

This brings us right back to the present. In the human world.

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