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Hello, just thought I'd give you guys a quick warning before you read this book. It's written by Yours Truly, and all of the characters are my OCs. Originally this was going to be a series, but then plans changed so now it's a stand-alone boom.

(Just FYI, I do not own the image on the cover of this book. All rights go to the owner.)

I just wanted to give you guys a quick warning because there might be some of the following:

Mild gore
Yandere cuteness

But hey, there's no swearing. (Also just fyi, there is a brief mention of torture, but you don't actually read about it in any detail.)

If you're okay with all that, feel free to read the first chapter! A world of twisted lovers and scarlet kisses await for your reading pleasures. But be careful, for it won't be your everyday happy romance story.

Don't say I didn't warn you....

Obsessive (Yandere OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now