Chapter 9 - Afraid Of Water (Fluff)

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Author Note
   Hey guys, I've been MIA for a while. I've been dealing with a lot so... yea. Here is a short chapter for everyone
Love you all enjoy!

People really need to start taking depression more seriously. It's not just some word you can throw around because it suits your situation. No, people are suffering and hurting and it's not okay. Hey, I do it so I'm being a total hypocrite but I'm making an effort to stop now that I know what it really means.
If you do it that's your choice, I can't stop your decisions, but I ask only this... try and be a little less negative. Spread some love and some positivity. Theres a lot wrong with the world, let's be honest and good to each other.

I really do luv you guys and I hope that whatever your going through.. well I'm here. Your not alone.


     - Mean people (I wish there was a warning for that in real life)
     - Almost death?
-Very offensives language/actions to gay. (I hated writing it, I love everyone I'm so sorry!) 😖😫

Senior High School AU

     This was normal. Shiro running into Keith's room late at night to wake him up from the nightmare of a tragic past that changed the course of Keith life forever.

     Hey shot up from his red covers and took a breath full of air.

     "It's ok Keith. It's over," Shiro wrapped his arms around the panting teenager.

     For as long as he could remember Keith had been terrified of the water, deathly afraid. Since the boating accident 11 years ago. It was hard for the boy to get a good nights sleep because of the constant nightmares. His memory of the even cloudy but scaring.

     He was 6 when it happened.


     Just an ordinary day in October, isn't that how it always starts? His parents were getting ready to take Keith on a 2 day trip out to one of the islands in the bay of Altea. Their small town tucked away, in a little corner of nowhere, wrapped up in a bundle of secluded. It was a pretty small place and was the type of town where everyone knew everybody.

The little town of Altea was hidden between 2 mountain chains and an ocean. The bay opened out to a few islands that the community used for camping. Keith's parents had everything packed into their duffel bags that were loaded onto their Jeep.

     "Keith come on let's go or we're going to be late!"

     "Coming mom!" Little Keith hopped out the front door with his purple hippo in hand .

     "Hey there little Red you ready to hit the water?" His dad's eyes held so much hope.



     Later that night a tropical storm warning was issued over the radio to the town and the next thing Keith knew was hat he was being thrown in the water.

     "Kei-mmhh!" His head went under. Trying to grab something to keep him afloat. His arms and legs flailing around.

     After that is was a blur. A bright light was suddenly on him. He felt arms snake around his waist and he was being pulled up. Pressure on his chest. Air being forced into his lungs. White hair of the man performing CPR. Then Keith started to cough.

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