Chapter 10 - Afraid Of Water Pt. 2 (Fluff)

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(Chapter photo is by Jenni41 on DeviantArt, that's what the google said.)

Author Note
Soooo I got a concussion... yea I ran/jumped into a low ceiling and left a dent in the drywall. Then hit my head on a glass on the counter (you don't even want to know).
     Soo yea, I'm very sorry this chapter is out a lot later than promised. That is also why it is shorter than normal. I'm not supposed to be working my brain too hard.
     So yea... don't run into walls. 😬

Love you all! ❤️

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- N/A

Senior High School AU

"Nobody can hurt you anymore."


(Keith P.O.V)
I can't breath. Im surrounded Lances arms, nobody going to hurt me. I can't get enough air in.

     "Keith you have to breath, slow breaths..." Lance starts to demonstrate and tries to push my shoulders back so I can see him.

     I whimper and cling to him tighter. "Please," I whisper.

     He sighs and just pulls me into his lap. "It's ok Keith no ones going to hurt you now. I'm here ok?"

     I can still feel my panic attack getting worse as a few minutes pass. I can feel Lance hands running up and down my back in an attempt to calm me. One pauses and comes towards my face. Lance reaches for my chin and he slowly lifts my face off his chest so that he can look into my eyes.

     He tilts his head and leans in, connects his lips to mine. My breath stops and my eyes flutter closed. I relax into him when his lips start to move against mine. Soft and firm against my mouth. I take a deep breath in through my nose and push into him more opening my mouth to his. My hands run up his chest to curl around his neck and into the base of his hair. He reacts instantly, pulling my head closer and deepening the kiss further.

     I pull back when I actually need to breath and rest my forehead on his.

     "Whoa" I speak first.

     "Yea... whoa," Lance looks directly at me "that was amazing"

     We eventually get up off the ground and he helps me get home.

     "Shiro! I'm home."

     "Oh thank god I was starting to frea- Uh Keith why are you soaked and who is this?"

     "Shiro Lance, Lance Shiro. He's my older brother"

     Lance looks at Shiro and starts to freak out a little bit, "Shiro as in Takashi Shirogane the student that set the record for pretty much everything in sports few years back?!?"

     "Yup that's him," Shiro smiles shyly and waves his hand.

     "Wow it is such an honor. You inspired me to join the swim team," at that statement Shiro gave Keith a concerned look.

     "Well the pleaser is mine, are you and Keith friends?"

     "No-" Keith started to say no but Lance cut him off.

     "Yup! We haven't know each other long but we're getting there," Lance looked at Keith and smiled at him.

     "Yea friends, ok friends," Keith looked back at Shiro and shrugged.

     "Well Lance feel free to stay for dinner, we would love to have you"

     "Thank you," Lance looked at Keith again and smiled even wider "I think I will".


     Who would have guessed that Keith would eventually fall in love with the boy that had the ocean blue eyes?

     Can anyone tell me how to correctly use punctuation with dialogue??? I am so lost and totally guessing...

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