Part 11- no

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Stephanie's POV

I stayed in bed for the week, my mother understood why which was great. Nikki kept calling and texting but I blocked his number.
My alarm clock struts blasting when we were young by Adele and I quickly turn it off. I get out of bed, I have to go to school and suck it up. You can't avoid it forever. Wow my life sounds like a cheesy romance novel or movie. I roll my eyes and put my hair in a bun.

I slip on some black leggings and my old pierce the veil long sleeve shirt. I put my black combat boots and no makeup. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs. "Hey Vic can you drive me to school today?" I ask giving him the puppy eyes. He sighed and nodded agreeing before I started whining. I do a happy dance and ate a piece of toast.

I am still sad about Nikki but hell im not letting it ruin me. I have Ronnie anyways.

We arrive at the school and I see Ronnie sitting at the front waiting for me because I texted him telling him to. "Hey douche!" I yell with a grin. "Love your alive!" He exclaims, as he pulls me into a tight hug. He let's go and I wave to my brother. "So did you die without me." I said sassily and with a hair flip. He chuckled and nodded. "Everyone at this school sucks." He said with a smile. "What about me! Do I suck?" I said sassily. "Yup but not as bad as others." He said with a smirk. I slapped his arm and we walked inside the school.

Ronnie intertwined our hands and we walked down the hallways. Everyone was whispering shit, but I didn't care. Me and Ronnie walked to our lockers which were conveniently beside each other. "So wanna come over tonight??" He asked closing his locker. "Sure sounds fun!" I said with a smile. "Great!" He said imitating my voice. I rolled my eyes and walked to class leaving him but he soon caught up.

I felt someone grab my wrist as I walked in the classroom behind Ronnie. "Nikki" I said shaking my wrist out of his grip. His hair was a mess and he had dark circles under his eyes. He looked sad, STOP HE DID THIS TO HIMSELF. "Please give me another chance." He begged. "Give me a good reason why?!" I yelled getting weird looks but who the fuck cares. He stayed silent. "I thought so asshole. I may like your parents and their music but fuck I hate you." I spat walking into the classroom getting sympathetic looks. I sat in my seat.

I have 5 words to explain this day
It's going to be long!

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