Part 16- first date

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Stephanie's POV

"CHRIS TURN IT OFF!" I squealed due to almost peeing myself, because of this goddamn horror movie. I may like gothy shit but horror movies I do not mess with. Everyone chuckles, and rolls their eyes from my wimpyness. It's been a few hours, after we finished picking up me band and loading everything. We are now in I don't really know, to be honest. "I'm going to bed." I announced standing up, stretching and walking towards the bunks. "Good night!" They all yelled. For them being like 40-50 year olds they are really irresponsible, and childish. I roll my eyes and hop into my bunk. So warm. I snuggled into my blankets and pulled out my phone. My phone starts blowing up with comments and tweets. I clicked on one, which lead me to a post from Chris.

"Touring with these awesome people, oh and Ricky!" I giggled at the photo of me almost crying of terror. Ronnie's hugging me as I gripped onto him like a cat. Ricky's sitting looking unimpressed. Ryan is on his phone, ghost is laughing his head off, Vinny is terrified like me, rob was snuggling with Lizzie, my brother was half asleep laying on ghosts lap, oh and did I mention there is two Chris's. One I'm my band and one in motionless. Well to make in less confusing, starting now when I say motionless I'm talking about MIW and when I say Chris it means the loser in my band. Well anyways motionless took the photo so he wasn't in it.

Now to look at the comments. "Who are they??" "Eww who's the slut with Ronnie, Ricky's son can do so much better." "Who's the girl with Ronnie, she's so pretty!" "Omg is that Emerson's daughter! She's so pretty. I ship her and Ronnie. Reph for life!" "Ricky's so hot Oml." Ok that's enough I said putty my phone down. People are so rude. Well I am ugly, but hell I am not a slut. I rolled my eyes, my curtain opened. "Move over." Ronnie said as I sat up sitting cris Cross and he sat opposite of me. "So Stephanie I was wanting to ask you something." He said scratching the back of his head. "Shoot." I replied with a sweet smile. Ronnie is so timid is adorable. "I know we were just dating but would you be my girlfriend? I really like you and if you just want to date for now I to-" he rambled but I kissed him, cutting him off. He kissed back and smiled deepening the kiss. "So does that answer your question?" I say pulling away. "Hmm no wanna tell me again." He said cockily. I blushed and he pulled me in kissing me once again, if felt like fireworks. I pulled away. "Oh and if you ever cheat on me I will crush your man hood and tell you dad." I said with a smirk. He grabbed his junk and went wide eyed and nodded quickly.

"GETTTTT UPP TODAY IS DEEEE FIRST SHOOOOWWWWWW!" I'm guessing Chris yelled, banging pans together. I woke up with a warm body next to me. Ronnie. He stirred and shot up slamming his head against the bunk. I bursted with laughter. God he's a dork. "GOD DAMN CHRIS REALLY! YOUR LIKE 50 and you act 5!" He shouted with frustration, and rubbed his soar head. I slid out of the bunk. "Get up you big baby." I said giggling at his ranting. I walked to the living area and jumped on Chris's pack as he still was smacking those annoying ass pans around. "SHIT UP YOU BIG DUMMY!" I yelled clinging onto his back. He put the pans down and dropped me on the couch. "You assholes are no fun." He huffed and sat on the couch beside me. "Whatever "motionless" I got to get ready." I said smacking his arm and getting up and head to my bunk which had my makeup, and hair shit.

I did a black Smokey eye and one red Smokey eye and finished it with a black and red lip. I put on my black jeans, a slayer crop top, black pikes, a band jacket, and a hat. As I was changing Ronnie walked in the bathroom, I didn't care really, I had a sports bra on so it didn't matter. "Oh shit I'm sorry.." he mumbled. "It's fine!" I said slipping in my shirt and smiled, now fully dressed it less awkward. "Damn you look fine!" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the washroom.

My heart pounded. God damn Ronnie what are you doing to me...

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