Part 21

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Stephs pov

"My sweetness oh where do you go..." pain. It shot throughout my body. A deathly noise filled my ears making my head ring. I collapsed looking down at my body realizing I've been shot. I struggled to grab my phone but I managed. "911 what's your emergency?" A lady answered. "I-I-I have been -shot. My names stephanie kropp I'm on piercen street- he." I spoke fast knowing I had no time. Another few gun shots went through my ears and people's terrified screams, it was a sad sight. I need to sleep. I closed my eyes and the pain went away.

"Stephanie." "Mom?" "Stephanie I'm so sorry. You probably can't hear me but I love you so much." "Mom I'm right here." But I can't see you. Am I dead. "No not yet but soon." A man with a white jacket a black jeans said appearing next to me. "Who are you?" "Jason I'm a track record for the upper world." "I'm Stephanie." "I already know that." "Oh. Why can I hear everything?" "It happens to every pure soul that is in a coma. They get to hear what there family says before you die." "So basically I'm dead." "Yeah." "Stephanie I love you so much, you were the love of my life hun. Remember you will still be with me forever." "Ronnie I'm so so sorry." "Pull the plug I can't hear anymore, please Jason." "Ok as you wish." The heart monitor stopped and I felt free. I looked and my parents were crying and Ronnie was sobbing on the floor. I'm so sorry family but it's my time. "RONNIE I LOVE YOU."

This is the end! Sorry it had to end this way but it needed to be done. I think I'll make a few bonus chapter for after she died and how it effect everyone. Well have a lovely day

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